What is the spring equinox and is it the first day of the season?

AS we see an end to the dark evenings, the spring equinox is the pick-me-up we all need this time of year.

March 20, 2023, marks the point in astronomy where day and night become of equal length.

Spring sees flowers blossom and lighter evenings remind us that summer is on its wayCredit: Getty

What is the spring equinox?

The spring equinox marks the changing seasons.

At an equinox, the sun will shine directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts or hours of daylight and night throughout the world on this day, explains .

The spring equinox marks the astronomical start of spring after which daylight hours will be longer than nights in the UK.

Daylight is longer due to the sun travelling a longer, higher arc across the sky each day, reaching a peak at the start of summer, explains Nasa.


The Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere occurs twice a year around March 20 - the spring equinox - and September 22, the autumn equinox.

They happen between the summer and winter solstices, and mark the point the sun crosses the equator's path and becomes positioned exactly above the equator between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

During the equinox, day and night will be around the same length, which explains the word's origin from the Latin equi - meaning equal - and nox, meaning night.

states that the fastest sunsets and sunrises of the year happen at the equinoxes,


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Is the spring equinox the first day of spring?

For all those who are fed up with the cold, rainy winter weather, the good news is that warmer weather is finally on the way.

That's because winter has now officially come to an end.

Astronomically, spring begins at the March equinox, also known as the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.

In 2023, the spring equinox takes place on Monday, March 20.
