QAnon followers who believe wild conspiracy Trump will be inaugurated on March 4 have a back-up date if that fails
QANON followers who believe a wild conspiracy theory that Donald Trump will be made president on March 4 are equipped with a back-up date if the first one fails.
has been peddled for some time as the date on which proponents believe will somehow be reinstalled as president.
And now a QAnon follower has reportedly come out with another date on which they believe the former president may be reinstated: March 20.
A tweet posted by Washington Post political journalist Dave Weigel said he was told by QAnon follower "Ken" that “Trump is still in charge of the Military."
Weigel said, "Ken told him that 'Trump will be inaugurated again on March 20.'"
QAnon is a wide-ranging belief that covers all manner of outlandish claims, but its most central tenant is that Trump has been waging a secret war on a cabal of child-eating satanic pedophiles.
Thousands of National Guard troops will remain in Washington until mid-March over fears of the original claims made by QAnon –
Authorities feared hype around the claim may lead to another , after followers spoke of a “military investigation” into President .
The request for 4,900 National Guard troops to continue their deployments in Washington until March 12 was made by US Capitol Police, Robert Salesses, a Pentagon official, said.
"We work very closely with the , Secret Service, and others and the to try to determine what they believe that threat is, and then looking at what they believe is the need for the National Guard, or the types of mission sets that they need support from, we work very closely with them to try to determine what that is.
"Obviously 4,900 is a very large number here on the Capitol," he told lawmakers in .
It was not known whether the National Guard troops would stick around for longer following the news of a second, later supposed reinstatement date.
Trump's own Washington, DC, hotel has reportedly hiked its rates on March 4 – and it did the same thing on January 5 and 6, other key dates for QAnon, reports .
Jason Blazakis, a senior fellow at the Soufan Center, said: "Raising room prices will surely be interpreted by QAnon as Trump’s support for the March 4 narrative.
"They absolutely try to interpret the words and actions of President Trump very carefully.”
QAnon has been previously labeled a “domestic terror threat” by the FBI over its tendency to inspire violence.
On Tuesday, is on par with .
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The latest bizarre connecting of the dots pushes that Trump will be and will be installed as the 19th president of the United States – rolling back the union to the form it had in 1871.
Despite all their predictions failing to materialize and Biden being inaugurated as the president, many Q believers have continued to insist that Trump is still pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Closely tied to falsehoods about the election being stolen pushed by Trump and his most hardcore allies, the conspiracy theorists are claiming a is about to happen in the US.