Tesco shoppers furious after staff block ‘non-essential’ items with CORONA beer barricade

TESCO shoppers have been left furious after staff blocked "non-essential" items with a Corona beer barricade.
Angry shoppers took to Twitter to complain about not being able to get to clothes and into other parts of Tesco and Sainsbury's due to the coronavirus lockdown.
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At the Tesco in Walsall, West Midlands, walkways leading to parts of the store were blocked off by walls of Corona beer.
And at supermarkets in London and Cambridge similar blockades made up of pallets of sweets and beer were erected to stop shoppers from browsing "non-essential" items.
Following guidance published by the UK government on 5 November, shops in England that have "sufficiently distinct parts" were told they should close the areas that held non-crucial stock.
Shoppers have reported being unable to get access to baby clothes and socks due to the new restrictions.
One shopper at the Tesco in Streatham fumed on Twitter: "Disappointed to see after the uproar of blocking off clothing, toys, homeware etc sections in one of your stores in Wales, you’ve now done this in your Streatham Extra store.
They added: "I can buy booze, but, not a kettle or underwear."
Stores were blasted for similar measures during the 17-day national lockdown last month in Wales.
A Tesco spokesperson said: “In line with new Government guidance in England which requires the closure of separate floors selling non-food items, we have closed the Clothing and General Merchandise departments in our stores that sell these products from a separate mezzanine level.”
The guidance from the UK government said: "Where a business has sufficiently distinct parts, and one section provides essential retail and one section provides non-essential retail, the non-essential sections should close to limit interactions between customers and the opportunity for the disease to spread.
"For example a food shop may stay open, but a homeware section on a separate floor or separate building should close."
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