White House REJECTS Democrats’ $2TRILLION package proposal leaving $1,200 stimulus checks in limbo
THE White House rejected a proposed $2trillion coronavirus relief package from Democratic leaders on Friday — leaving future stimulus checks in limbo.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said the offer was a "non-starter."
Before their meeting, Pelosi and Schumer said during a press conference that they would lower the cost of their $3.4trillion bill by $1trillion if agreed to add $1trillion to their proposal.
passed their $3.4trillion Heroes Act, the largest relief package seen in Congress for relief, in May.
“The Speaker of the House and the Democratic Leader are continuing to say ‘our way or the highway’ with a massive wish list for left-wing lobbyists that was slapped together a few weeks ago called a coronavirus bill,” McConnell said.
The White House has been pushing for is opportunities that help , like providing another round of .
Republicans have also pushed for extending the supplemental jobless benefit .
to work out a stimulus deal.
"We'll certainly be in next week. We'll see what happens after that," the Republican from Kentucky said.
The Senate was scheduled to begin recess on August 7, meaning that negotiations would not resume until September 8.
Senator Roy Blunt, a Republican from , argued: "If there’s not a deal by Friday, there won’t be a deal."