Tiger splashes around in water and stretches paws in the air as fearsome predator shows its playful side

THIS playful big cat looked like it was having a grrreat time when it was caught splashing about in Indonesia.
In one amazing image, the captive Sumatran tiger was seen stretching its paws high into the air as if clawing at imaginary prey.
In another startling photo the mighty predator stood on its hind legs apparently begging for food.
Photographer Toni Panjaitan was visiting Ragunan Zoo when he came across the magnificent spectacle.
As he stood just 30 metres away, the 120-kilogram beast began to play around in the water much to the delight of visitors.
“The tiger was being fed and teased in a way that triggered it to jump from the water to grab the meat. I was astonished to see the power it pounced with,” Toni revealed.
“I wanted to capture the tiger’s instinct when it sees its prey. Tigers are well-known for toying with their prey.
"It almost looked as if it was playing with its dinner.
"These tigers are truly magnificent creatures – beautiful and vibrant yet also very deadly.”
Sumatran tigers are listed as being critically endangered and population numbers continue to decrease annually.
The species is native to the Indonesian island of Sumatra - which is why its numbers are dwindling.
Many of the remaining big cats now live in protected areas offering a safe habitat.
Captive-breeding programmes have also been introduced across the country.
“Seeing moments like this is priceless. This will be one of the greatest moments I capture on camera,” Toni said.
“We need to show that wildlife is worth preserving for the future generations.
"I am fifty-one years old and I have seen many of these beautiful creatures. I want those that come after me to see them too.”