Do you ever get white spots on your face? This is what they could mean about your health… and how to get rid of them
MILIA, also known as 'milk spots', is a skin condition that's often mistaken or whiteheads but it can affect both babies and adults.
A milium is a type of skin cyst that's filled with a protein called keratin and it appears as a while, small, raised bump on the skin.
The condition occurs most commonly around the eyes, nose and mouth and while it usually clears up quickly for babies it can be tough to shift as an adult.
There are a two main reasons people develop milk spots. One is because their sweat glands aren't properly developed - this is most common in newborns.
But they also form if the skin has been damaged either from sun exposure, burns, blistering or occasionally after the use of steroid creams.
And while these types of milium can be tricky to get rid of, there are a number of natural remedies to help and have put together a guide of the best ones.
Lemon Juice and Sugar
The amazing antioxidant and healing properties which lemons have make them a great treatment. Mix 2 tbsp. of sugar with half a lemon’s worth of juice, plus 1 tsp. of oil.
Apply it to your face and let sit for 20-30 minutes.
Natural Honey
Honey also has strong healing properties and it has been used for thousands of years for healing purposes.
The moisture-attracting ability of honey will help the skin exfoliate the outer layer. This in turn causes new skin growths to occur. Mix with sugar for additional benefit.
Castor Oil
This has been a go-to remedy for a long time, but usually it is constipation, asthma and bladder infections which it is used for. Turns out, it’s great
for the skin as well.
Equal parts of olive oil can be mixed with castor oil and then you apply it to your face. Allow it to soak in, then dry off your face.
Steaming Your Face
You’ve probably heard of how good steam is to get rid of toxins. It opens up the pores and releases all the impurities lying within the layers of skin.
Tea Tree Oil
Antibacterial and anti-fungal properties are the highlights of tea tree oil. It works great for you skin.
Take a small amount and apply it to the area. Allow it to sit overnight, then wash your face in the morning.
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Pomegranate Peel Powder
This is the most well-known of milk spot treatments. It has excellent antioxidant and exfoliating properties to it. First, roast a pomegranate peel until brown. Next, crush it to a powder.
Finally, if you like, you can mix it with lemon juice. Now apply this to your face and let set for 15 minutes. Then wash off. Do this for a few weeks and you should have clear skin.
Corn starch and Apple Cider Vinegar
Mix these two together in order to create an astringent paste. Then place on face and leave on for about 25 minutes. Then rinse it off.
Fenugreek Leaves
Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties are the highlights here. Healing acne breakouts, blackheads, boils, milk spots, and other
common blemishes are standard fare for many cultures using these leaves.
Take a handful of them, grind them with a little water, then apply this paste to your face for a 15 full minutes. Then wash it off.
Remove Makeup Before Bed
This should be standard practice as leaving makeup on irritates skin and can cause impurities. It’s always important to free up your skin from chemicals as often as possible.
Stay In The Shade
When in the sun, stay in the shade! The rays from the sun can be harmful to the skin and can cause damage.