One in three coronavirus patients are ‘silent carriers’ testing positive but showing NO symptoms

ONE in three coronavirus patients are "silent carriers" who show no symptoms - despite testing positive for the disease, experts claim.

Classified Chinese government data suggests that the number of "asymptomatic" people may be higher than initially thought.


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show that, by the end of last month, 43,000 people had tested positive for coronavirus in China without showing symptoms.

These people were quarantined but not counted in official figures - which stood at 80,000 at the time.

So far, scientists have been unable to determine how infectious those without symptoms are and what effect it has on the virus' spread.

The World Health Organisation's guidance on asymptomatic transmission is that it is "extremely rare".


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Nishiura said the proportion of asymptomatic Japanese patients evacuated from Wuhan - where the virus originated - at 30.8 per cent.

This figure is in line with the newly released classified Chinese government data.

Nishiura added: "The asymptomatic ratio… could be higher among children than in older adults.


"That would considerably change our scope of the outbreak, and even the optimal interventions can change."

The WHO includes all those who test positive as confirmed cases - regardless of whether they experience any symptom.

Revised guidelines

On February 7, the Chinese government revised its guidelines to count only those patients with symptoms as confirmed cases.

In the UK - as well as other countries including the US - people are only tested if they show symptoms.


Experts now say that testing every who has had contact with a patient who has tested positive - even if they're not sick - is more efficient at stopping the spread of the virus.

Last week, a series of studies were released which indicate people without Covid-19 symptoms are acting as unseen “super spreaders”.

Science journal Nature says the warning sign of “covert transmission” is finding sick people with no recent international travel or contact with anyone displaying symptoms.
