The 12 things to do to keep you and your family safe from coronavirus

BRITS are being urged to play their part in the fight against deadly coronavirus as experts prepare for a 'very significant expansion' of the disease within days.
The UK has unveiled its doomsday battle plan with advice on combating the virus as Prime Minister Boris Johnson warns a worst-case scenario could mean creating 'no go zones' and cancelling public events.
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Here are some of the things you can do to help protect yourself and your family:
1) Wash your hands
Mr Johnson has told Brits the simplest way everyone can help stop the spread of coronavirus is washing their hands regularly.
He said: "We can all continue to do our bit to fight this virus — by washing our hands with soap and water for the length of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice."
The message will be at the heart of a major public information campaign to be launched later this week.
Public Health England recommends scrubbing every bit ohf skin from your wrist downwards for at least 20 seconds, focusing on one hand at a time.
Some UK supermarkets have run out of hand sanitiser gel but Public Health England warns only products with at least 60 per cent alcohol are effective against coronavirus.
Many products made for sensitive skin contain less than 60 per cent.
A recent study published by the respected Cochrane Database showed handwashing is the best way to cut the risk of catching a disease such as coronavirus - reducing the odds by 54 per cent.
2) Clean your phones
The public has also been urged to clean their smartphone screens twice a day with alcohol wipes to help combat the spread.
The average person picks up their phone 2,600 times a day and uses it around 76 times.
Surfaces like glass are an ideal environment for viruses to thrive. Peter Hall, professor of public health at the University of Waterloo, described mobile phones as “portable petri dishes”.
He suggests people should clean their phones at lunch and after returning home in the evening to kill germs collected at work and while commuting.
3) Protect elderly relatives
The elderly are most at risk from the virus and doctors are urging people to stay away from vulnerable relatives if they are ill.
Today's doomsday battle plan also spelled out proposals to urge elderly people to keep away from public events such as May's VE Day celebrations.
The 27-page document warned it will be providing advice to local authorities in dealing with a potential spike in deaths among elderly and vulnerable patients.
The death rate from coronavirus in China - where the virus first spread - has been ten times higher in over 70s compared to those aged under 59.
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organisation last week said: "If you are 60+... you have a higher risk of developing severe #COVID19. Try to avoid crowded areas, or places where you might interact with people who are sick."
4) Seek advice if returning from affected areas
Public Health England has urged people returning to the UK from countries worst hit by coronavirus to seek medical advice.
People who have returned from Hubei province in China, lockdown areas in northern Italy or special care zones in South Korea since mid-February should stay indoors, avoid contact with other people and call NHS 111 - even if showing no symptoms.
Brits returning from other parts of China, South Korea and northern Italy or Cambodia, Hong Kong, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam with any symptoms should also self-isolate and call 111.
A full list of affected areas can be found on the website.
5) Don't travel to affected areas
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office is currently advising against all travel to Hubei Province and all but essential travel to the rest of mainland China.
It is also urging people against all travel to Daegu in South Korea and all but essential travel to the city of Cheongdo.
All but essential travel is also not recommended to 11 towns in the Lombardy and Veneto regions of Italy.
6) Wash clothes thoroughly
Clothing is another key way viruses can be carried and spread by humans.
NHS guidance recommends washing at clothes at 60C or 40C with a bleach-based powder or detergent.
Using a dryer on high heat can also help kill harmful bacteria and stop bacteria surviving and multiplying on damp clothes.
People are also recommended to wash their hands after handling dirty laundry.
7) Be aware of underlying health conditions
Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said there is currently no need for mass school closures or the cancellation of sports events and other large gatherings.
But people with underlying health conditions could be asked to stay at home to avoid infection if the disease continues to spread.
Coronavirus death rates among people with diabetes and underlying heart and respiratory problems have been more than 10 times higher than those with no previous health problems across the globe.
People ensuring their vaccinations are up to date will also help ease pressure on the NHS.
8) Use face masks appropriately
Commuters and shoppers wearing faces masks is becoming an increasingly common sight across the UK as coronavirus spreads.
But the World Health Organisation has advised healthy people should only wear a mask if they are taking care of someone suspected to have the virus.
If people are ill, masks are only effective when used in combination with frequent hand washing and if the masks are properly disposed of.
People who have been diagnosed with coronavirus or who are ill after returning from an affected area should not be out in public - with or without a mask.
9) Stockpile necessary food
There is no need for mass stockpiling of food or other goods but medics have suggested it could be wise to keep some essentials handy in case of the need for self-isolation.
Ian Mackay, virologist at the University of Queensland, Australia, said buying extra long-lasting foods such as cereals, pasta, fruit and tinned fish could help those told to stay indoors.
10) Follow public health guidance
Matt Hancock and other health has said he hopes not to have to bring in emergency legislation to cancel large events and has urged schools and businesses to follow official advice before any shutdown.
He said: "Right now, we do not recommend the cancelling of mass events and schools as well should not be closing unless there is a positive case and the schools have the advice to close.
"There maybe things we have to do down the line that we don't want to, but we will need the powers to do that hence proposing emergency legislation."
People are also urged to use the NHS 111 service and only attend hospital in case of an emergency as the health service comes under increasing strain.
For the majority of people coronavirus will be best treated through self-isolation and over the counter medicines.
11) Know your rights
If you have to self-isolate at home, your firm should let you take that time as sick pay.
Your employer can choose to pay you your full salary while you're off sick but the statutory minimum entitlement is currently £94.25 per week.
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) only kicks in if you work for an employer, are sick for at least four days in a row and earn on average at least £118 per week (£6,136 per year).
These rules still apply if you are working on a part-time or fixed-term contract.
If you can't get sick pay, you may be able to negotiate working from home during this time so your pay isn't affected.
It's worth checking with your employer what their policy is as some may require you to provide a letter from a doctor after five days.
No10 said today that firms should not tell their employees to get a sick note from their doctors.
People who are not entitled to sick leave include people who are self-employed, members of the armed forces, those who have received Employment and Support Allowance in the past three months, people in legal custody or those who have already received SSP for 28 weeks.
Workers on zero-hour contracts are entitled to SSP too, as long as they've done some work for the company and been ill for at least four days in a row, including their days off.
12) Travel to work safely
Although it's not officially advice, it makes sense to try and keep your commutes as safe and effective as possible.
If you have the option of not taking public transport, your company may ask you to consider that instead.
If you do have to use public transport, extra personal distancing from your fellow commuters (if you can) would be sensible, and washing your hands after you get off the tube can't hurt either.
most read in news
The UK's battle plan to tackle coronavirus was revealed by Boris Johnson today as the country prepares for the illness to spread.
The number of people in the UK who have tested positive for the virus stands at 39.
UK cases include a worker at the North East London NHS Foundation Trust offices at Vinters Business Park near Maidstone in Kent, a pupil from Churston Ferrers grammar school in Torbay, a teacher at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and the parent of a pupil at a school in Stevenage.