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THIS sozzled reveller had clearly enjoyed one too many festive drinks.

He was filmed slumped by the door of a London Tube wearing no shoes or trousers on Friday night.

 The unfortunate man was seen slumped against the door of the Tube
The unfortunate man was seen slumped against the door of the Tube
 The poor man had lost his trousers and shoes
The poor man had lost his trousers and shoes

Stunned onlookers recorded the unfortunate man standing up with his eyes shut on the Piccadilly Line.

The video of the half-naked Christmas reveller has gone viral.

In the video, the man filming the incident, holds his camera up to a woman who says: "Why are you videoing me?"

He replies saying: "I'm just pointing out how beautiful you are. And this..."

He then pans round to the show the sozzled man who was protecting his modesty with his coat.