Landlord slammed for advertising a CORRIDOR as a flat in South London for £845 a month
A LANDLORD has been accused of advertising a corridor as a flat for £845 a month.
The flat in Brixton, South London is so small that a radiator has to be mounted half way up the wall.
Vice journalist Joel Golby, who shared the ad on wrote: "It isn’t a flat, is it?
"It’s a corridor someone put two doors in.
"So here’s where we are, 2019: a corridor repurposed into a flat."
The refurbished studio has been let for £845-a-month including bills and is advertised as being "perfect for a single or professional couple".
The ad does not have a floorplan to show the exact dimensions of the flat.
In one image on Zoopla, a radiator has been placed halfway up the wall near the front door illustrating the lack of floor space.
The flat is close to Brixton Underground Station and was initially put on the market to for £901 in August, but the landlord reduced the price a month later.
The advert has had more than 3,853 views since it was first shared on the site.
The images of the property shows how a tenant would open their front door to have their wardrobe and chest of drawers on their left and a narrow counter space running along the wall on the right.
There is a radiator mounted on the wall and a television across from a sofa that appears it would double as the "bedroom".
There is one image of the kitchen which shows a small cooker hood, a microwave, a sink, a cabinet and a washing machine - but an oven cannot be seen.
The bathroom facilities show a shower, toilet, mirror cabinet and a sink.
There is a clear gap between the wall and sink, despite the advert saying the flat has been recently refurbished.
The ad also states the property can be rented with or without furniture, but it isn't clear how much space there is and what other household items would actually fit.
The average price to rent in a one-bed flat in Brixton is about £1,444, according to Zoopla.
Earlier this month, a tiny flat went on the market in East London for £600 a month.
The bizarre "studio" set-up in Newham went viral after eagle-eyed web users realised just a thin screen of glass separates the loo from where food is prepared.