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Overtaking in any of these circumstances could land you an unlimited fine and nine penalty points – here’s how to do it safely

Drivers are bound to a number of restrictions when it comes to overtaking other vehicles - and you could find yourself slapped with a careless driving charge if you ignore them

DRIVERS who fail to overtake properly could be slapped with an unlimited fine and up to nine penalty points on their licence.

Under the Highway Code, motorists are advised of a number of situations where they should not overtake another vehicle.

 Drivers can be fined for overtaking incorrectly
Drivers can be fined for overtaking incorrectlyCredit: Alamy

Those who fail to stick to guidelines could be charged with careless driving for putting other road users at risk.

Supported by the Road Traffic Act 1988, the Code states that vehicles should not cross a solid white line to overtake, including double white lines where there is a solid line nearest to you.

Drivers are prohibited from passing into bus or cycle lanes to overtake, or to try to get ahead of the vehicle closest to a pedestrian crossing.

And of course, motorists should abide by any signage instructing them not to overtake.

Situations where drivers MUST NOT overtake

According to the Highway Code, drivers shouldn't overtake another vehicle under the following circumstances - doing so could see you charged with careless driving:

  • If you would have to cross or straddle double white lines with a solid line nearest to you
  • If you would have to enter an area designed to divide traffic, if it's surrounded by a solid white line
  • If you would have to enter a lane reserved for buses, trams or cycles during its hours of operation
  • You should never overtake the nearest vehicle to a pedestrian crossing, especially when it has stopped to let pedestrians cross
  • You must not attempt to overtake after a ‘No Overtaking’ sign, until you pass a sign cancelling the restriction

If police spot you trying to overtake in a reckless manner, they could give you a fixed penalty of £100 and three points on your licence.

But if they deem the offence to be serious enough, you may be required to appear in court, where the fine could increase significantly and you could be banned from driving.

The Code also gives drivers guidelines on how and when to safely overtake.

Motorists have a responsibility to make sure the road ahead is sufficiently clear, they check mirrors and blindspots, and that they move quickly back into the flow of traffic once they have overtaken without cutting in.

Road users are also advised to give way to oncoming vehicles before passing parked cars, and should only ever overtake on the left if the vehicle in front is indicating to turn right.

Rebecca Ashton, IAM RoadSmart Head of Driver Behaviour, said: "Overtaking can be hazardous as it could potentially put you in the path of other vehicles.

"Asking yourself if it's legal, safe and of course if you really need to overtake at that moment, should be the first questions you ask yourself.

"The Highway Code states where overtaking is most likely to see you endanger yourself or endangering the lives of others if irresponsible overtakes are carried out.

"Double white lines are there to separate the traffic, but you should always be aware of the possibility of someone not obeying them and putting you at risk – remember they are not walls, just paint.

"Crossing them can be necessary in some situations for example if you need to access a property.

"You can also cross them if you need to pass a cyclist, horse or road maintenance vehicle travelling at 10 mph or less – however you need to ensure you give them enough room and only carry out the manoeuvre if you are able to do this safely and not cause another road user to take avoiding action.

"Whenever you think about overtaking you should consider the primary hazard, secondary hazards and any possible dynamic hazards before and during the manoeuvre."
