Millions of drivers admit to committing ‘revenge attacks’ on tailgaters to teach them a lesson
One in 10 motorists pull over to let tailgaters pass - before driving up closely behind them

TAILGATERS are at risk of causing an accident - not only because they're invading space - but also due to the driver in front's reactions.
More than 3million motorists like to give tailgaters a taste of their own medicine by letting them pass, before driving up closely behind them - despite the risk of causing an accident.
In total, 75 per cent of the UK's 48.6million drivers react to tailgaters, according to new research by service and repair firm Kwik Fit.
Over a third of drivers who react tap their brakes to make their lights come on - without slowing down too much - in order to scare a tailgater into pulling back.
Three million motorists take matters further by braking sharply to teach the tailgater a lesson in keeping well back - if indeed they manage not to crash into the car in front in the first instance.
Over 4million drivers speed up when being followed closely, which in itself can cause danger of breaking the limit - as well as the risk of it being ineffective if the car behind increases its speed too.
Three quarters of drivers would react to a tailgater, according to Kwik Fit.
The most common reactions were to:
- Slow down - 37%
- Tap the brake - 34%
- Speed up - 11%
- Slam on the brakes - 10%
- Revenge attack - 9%
- Turn on fog lights - 8%
- Make a hand gesture - 7%
*Multiple options were chosen by some of the 2,004 drivers surveyed
Meanwhile, the most popular reaction is to slow down and create a larger gap between you and the car in front, in hope that the tailgater will back off too.
Others choose to switch on their (rear) fog lights to dupe the tailgater into thinking that they're braking - this is in fact illegal to do so if visibility is under 100-metres.
More than 2.5million drivers who react to tailgaters also do so by making a hand gesture toward them.
Roger Griggs, Kwik Fit Communications Director, said: "The accident statistics show very clearly that many road casualties are caused by cars following too closely.
"This research highlights that the danger doesn't just come from tailgaters not being able to stop in time, but from the negative reactions they cause in other drivers.
"Brake testing a car which is far too close can be very tempting for drivers, either by dabbing the brakes to flash the brake lights, or by actually braking hard, but this can be very dangerous.
"The safest approach when encountering tailgaters is to drive normally, signal clearly and pull over when it’s safe to do so to allow them to overtake.
"Getting drawn into tit-for-tat behaviour is a no-win situation and only makes driving much more stressful than it needs to be."