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Driver uses fake PENIS to try to trick police during drug-driving urine test

A foolish motorist has tried to outwit local cops by swapping his manhood for an artificial penis. But the stunt only left him looking like a tool.

A DARING motorist has tried to fool police by using a fake penis during a drug test.

After being pulled over in Germany for using his mobile phone, the driver was taken back to the police station when officers suspected he may be under the influence of an illicit substance.

The cheeky driver tried to palm this off as his trouser buddy
The cheeky driver tried to palm this off as his trouser buddy

But when police asked the man to provide a urine sample for a drug test, they noticed something rather sinister about his equipment.

According to the Rhineland-Palatinate Police in Kaiserslautern, the todger dodger produced a liquid substance as a sample, but it didn't appear to be urine.

Suspecting he was trying to shaft them, police inspected the man to find he had strapped a false phallus to his crotch.

Resembling a rather disappointing sex toy, the device consists of a life-like silicon penis, complete with an artificial bladder containing liquid which can be strapped on and fixed in place.

The driver was caught out when his "urine" looked more like water
The driver was caught out when his 'urine' looked more like waterCredit: Getty - Contributor

The 26-year-old man had erected the plan to provide a fake sample by "urinating" out of the plastic penis to hide the fact that he had taken drugs prior to driving.

After realising he couldn't snake out of it, the driver admitted to be under the influence of cannabis and amphetamines, and had to take a blood test so that police could get an accurate sample.

The case is currently under investigation by the local authorities with cops hoping to trouser a fine.

The incident isn't the first time a dummy dong has been used to try to fool a drug test.

Former Heavyweight Champion of the World Mike Tyson admitted to using a fake penis throughout his career, while Italian long distance runner Devis Licciardi was caught using a "Whizzinator" device in 2013 to dodge tests.