Charging just SIX electric cars at once on the same road could lead to local power outages across the UK
Britain is facing a major energy crisis, as the growing use of electric cars could see large power cuts across the country
BRITAIN will need a massive overhaul of its energy network if it's to support the increase of electric vehicles on our roads, a report has claimed.
It suggests that local areas could see large power shortages as a result of just six electric cars charging at the same time on a single street.
The claimed the UK's current energy networks pose a "recipe for disaster" should no changes be made in the future to deal with the rapidly growing popularity of electric cars.
, the 86,000 electric vehicles on the road in the UK will increase to over 4.5 million by 2040, accounting for seven per cent of the nation's total energy consumption.
The Green Alliance think tank suggested that if the government fails to update energy distributors to meet 21st century technology, it "could lead to chaos, with grid congestion, expensive short notice network upgrades and inadequate generation at peak times."
"Without change, just six electric cars charging in close proximity at peak times could overload the grid and disrupt local power supplies; and, today, one in five of the UK’s local grids are unable to accept feed-in from distributed energy like rooftop solar," .
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At present, a single full charge for an EV can use as much electricity as one household will use in three days, posing an obvious overload issue for energy grids as more people jump on the low-emission bandwagon.
Green Alliance warned that if the government did not invest in smarter charging options to accommodate vehicle growth, Britain will face widespread energy faults.
“The way the UK energy system is currently governed, this disruption is very likely to lead to future value destruction and grid defection," the report said.
"Both the power system and power markets are designed for unidirectional flows of electricity from large-scale generation to the transmission network, then to the distribution network and, finally, into people’s homes.
“Power markets can be reformed and technologies regulated to create a cost-effective, manageable system.
"This can only happen by first reassessing the role the government plays in determining the energy system.”