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They had one job..

12 epic road marking fails

THESE dozy workers got it horribly wrong when painting the roads...

1. When roadkill gets in the way - cat


Painted over... Workers refused to move this dead moggy that was in the way

2. Elaborate Zebra crossing (which doesn't actually count as a pedestrian crossing)


Jazzy... This crossing outside a primary school in Bristol is an accident waiting to happen, say locals

3. Painted pothole


Lazy... Council workers in Birmingham chose to paint a pothole, rather than repair it

4. When roadkill gets in the way - rat


Striped... This squashed rat was killed across both lanes, apparently


5. Bus Stop - with no buses


Odd... This bus stop looks great, except it was painted in an area in Darlington where no buses have been for years

6. When roadkill gets in the way - raccoon


Yellow belly... This deceased raccoon had some more stripes added by workmen

7. 40mph in a 30mph zone


Confusing ... These baffling markings were quickly changed by red-faced contractors in Essex


8. When branches get in the way


 Wonky... This felled tree was too much hassle to move for these painters

9. Sus Stop


Spelling error... It's back to school for whoever wrote this

10. Keer Cleap


Embarrassing... Well, this message isn't clear

11. When poo gets in the way


Manure...  Someone's messed up here

12. When unidentified roadkill gets in the way


Flat... It might be an animal, it might be a cardboard box. Either way, moving it was out of the question