We’ve been forced to pay £50 a month just to come to work after ‘sudden’ parking rules – it’s ‘pure greed’
The issue has caught the attention of councillors in the area, who have contacted landlords
WORKERS at a shopping centre are being charged £50 a month to park their cars – after they were originally allowed to use the car park for free.
Staff at the Mid Kent Shopping centre in Allington, Maidstone, including volunteer charity shop workers, have blasted the new decision as “pure greed” and “unfair”.
According to a report, changes to car parking rules for staff were made after December 12 – and now only allows each business one registered parking spot where someone can park free of charge.
According to local shop workers, the change was a sudden one – with some businesses only told around a month before the fee came into force.
Chirag Patel, who works at Eye2Eye Opticians, said: “My staff have to park outside the centre or pay £50 a month which will just push all those working onto the roads.
“In my opinion, it’s too strict – £50 doesn’t sound like a lot but if we were to pay for one of our staff we’d have to pay for all our staff and it adds up.
“I just don’t understand why it can’t be taken a step back – the residents will be annoyed as well.
“Nearby are quiet roads with bungalows and it’s a nice area.
“As soon as you add more cars these people aren’t going to be happy.”
Barnardo’s charity shop worked Lesley Hayden has echoed these complaints.
She said: “I have 21 volunteers who give up their time to help out the charity and I don’t think it’s fair they have to pay to give up their time.
“Some of them have mobility issues as well so they have no choice but to park at the centre.”
The issue has caught the attention of councillors in the area.
Councillor Stanley Forecast, who has attempted to make contact with centre’s landlords, said: “These car parking changes are an appalling attack on motorists, customers, and the hard-working residents and businesses of Allington.
“I am deeply concerned that all tenants are being offered any additional permits at £50 per individual.
“This is completely wrong in the current economic climate, especially considering most workers here will be part-time.
“Barnardo’s charity is made up of volunteers, and their selflessness has been completely disregarded by the landlord.
“I have raised this with the MP, and we strongly urge the landlord to scrap these plans or at the very least allow permits to be shareable between members of staff immediately.”
Lib Dem councillor Cynthia Robertson has also tried to reach ourt to landlords, and added: “When I heard about the proposal I emailed the landlords and expressed my concerns.
“A lot of the Waitrose staff aren’t paid very high wages and a lot are on part-time contracts so it is a lot out of their paycheck.
“Those who can’t afford it will park on neighbouring roads and until now the relationship between each group has been harmonious but now residents are getting annoyed.”
This comes after a couple were left stunned when they were slapped with a fine for stopping in an EV-only parking space, despite using it to charge their electric car.
Elsewhere, a full list of all the new driving laws coming in 2024 has been revealed, including petrol price changes and a hefty new fine.