Our town is ruined by ‘nightmare’ junction where drivers IGNORE signs to nip into Asda – now ANPR cams are coming
FURIOUS locals are begging their council for help as lives are risked every day by Asda shoppers at a 'nightmare' junction.
Nottingham residents have slammed dangerous drivers who blindly ignore "ahead only" signs, and turn right across a busy road to access the superstore.
There is clear signage on he B6166 Portland Street road, Newark, telling motorists "no entry" - but locals argue that inconsiderate Asda customers still use it as a shortcut.
Unassuming drivers in oncoming traffic are forced to emergency break, and queues often back up through the street - creating a "dangerous" road and potentially risking lives.
To catch selfish motorists, Nottinghamshire County Council is planning to install ANPR cameras to enforce some hefty fines.
Frustrated local, Bob Haddon, 74, told the : "Well so it should be. The amount of people that come straight out of there or just turn across, it's terrible.
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"There's no excuses for that. It's always been an issue there I believe."
A retired 75-year-old also described the turning as "a nightmare" and when asked if he thought cameras were needed, he said: " I think so, as it's dangerous.
"It makes it queue through the traffic lights and it all builds up.
"We see it all the time when we come this way, all the traffic builds up past the traffic lights."
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Mum Vikki Dawn also wants to see change in the area. The the 28-year-old said: "Yeah because it's a pain in the bum.
"I think it's always been bad there. I think it should stay £70 fine rather than reduce it as it will help stop people from doing it."
"I have noticed it yeah, I know people do that. I think fines are a good idea as it's dangerous for such a busy area," added another fed-up resident.
"The other entrance can be difficult for people too."
Mark Walker, Service Director for Place at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “Currently only Nottinghamshire Police can enforce moving traffic offences in Nottinghamshire, but the legislation change means that the county council could use these powers at identified sites.
"We are considering applying to the Department for Transport (DfT) for these powers because we recognise that despite clear signage, some restrictions on the road network are now being followed, which is resulting in safety concerns and congestion.
"Evidence suggests that the use of ANPR cameras by other local authorities has been effective in ensuring compliance.
“We have chosen two locations in Nottinghamshire which are both congested and see a high number of contraventions each day, and motorists who ignore these restrictions are putting other road users in danger."
This comes as people across the UK struggle with traffic logged roads.
Residents living next to one of the UK’s busiest roundabouts say it is
The Sun in the Sands roundabout in Blackheath, south-east London, connects two of the capital's busiest roads, forcing locals to put up with constant roaring traffic.
And desperate locals in another town claim there is so much traffic that dust blankets their cars, homes and even stains their curtains.
Located on the outskirts of Leeds, the notorious roundabout connects the Ring Road, the A64 and Barwick Road, which helps drivers access major routes across the city.