When can you drive without wearing your seatbelt? Laws explained
WEARING a seatbelt became law in 1983, and has protected millions of drivers from severe injuries.
Here are all the rules regarding seatbelts, including the fine for not wearing one.
When can you drive without wearing a seatbelt?
There are rare scenarios when wearing a seatbelt isn't a legal requirement.
According to , you don’t need to wear a seat belt if you’re:
- a driver who is reversing, or supervising a learner driver who is reversing
- in a vehicle being used for police, fire and rescue services
- a passenger in a trade vehicle and you’re investigating a fault
- driving a goods vehicle on deliveries that is travelling no more than 50 metres between stops
- a licensed taxi driver who is "plying for hire" or carrying passengers
Your doctor may say you don’t have to wear a seat belt for a medical reason. They’ll give you a "Certificate of Exemption from Compulsory Seat Belt Wearing".
You must:
- keep this in your vehicle
- show it to the police if you’re stopped
You’ll also need to tell your car insurer.
What are the laws around wearing a seatbelt?
You must wear a seat belt if one is fitted in the seat you’re using unless you are one of the exceptions listed above.
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You’re also only allowed one person in each seat fitted with a seat belt.
You must make sure that any children in the vehicle you’re driving are:
- in the correct car seat for their height or weight until they reach 135 centimetres tall or their 12th birthday, whichever is first
- wearing a seat belt if they’re 12 or 13 years old, or younger and over 135cm tall
You can be fined up to £500 if a child under 14 isn’t in the correct car seat or wearing a seat belt while you’re driving.
Do passengers legally have to wear a seatbelt?
It is a legal requirement for passengers to wear a seatbelt.
This is not only to ensure your safety, but the safety of the other occupants in the vehicle.
If you are travelling in a coach with seatbelts, you must wear it.
What is the fine for not wearing a seatbelt?
You can incur a fine of up to £500 if you do not wear a seatbelt when you're supposed to.
It is the passenger's responsibility to belt up when in a car, whereas it is a driver's responsibility when dealing with children under the age of 14 and pets.
Those over 14 are responsible for their own actions - so if you’re caught not wearing a belt as a passenger, you could be hit with a £100 fine.