Primark, Debenhams and Matalan opening times for August Bank Holiday Monday
THE Bank holiday weekend is here - the perfect time to refresh your wardrobe for autumn and winter.
To help you with this task, find out the August bank holiday opening times for Debenhams, Matalan and Primark.
When is Debenhams open over the bank holiday?
Most Debenhams stores will be open on bank holiday Monday.
Hours are expected to vary depending on the location of the store.
Using their online , you can find out if you nearest store is open.
You can also use their interactive map, which is helpful if you are planning a shopping spree in a different location to where you live.
When is Matalan open over the bank holiday?
The majority of Matalan stores will be open in the UK this bank holiday.
Some stores may be working to a revised timetable though, so it is always recommended that you check in advance.
You can do so using their online - simply enter your postcode and it will not only tell you where you can locate your nearest store, but what hours they are trading.
When is Primark open over the bank holiday?
Ordinarily, most Primark stores are open between the hours of 9am and 7pm, with the exception of their flagship Oxford Street stores, which are open from 8am to 10pm.
It is likely that most of their UK stores will be trading on bank holiday Monday as usual, though some stores may have revised opening times.
You can find more information on their website about your and its hours.
We's recommend finding out in advance to save yourself a wasted journey.