My £3.50 window film trick to keep mould at bay, it works every time and helps stop draughts too

A MONEY saving mum has found a clever £3.50 window film trick that helps keep mould at bay in her home - and it makes her home less draughty too.
When temperatures drop, damp and mould can become a stubborn nuisance for many households.
Problems can often start with condensation, caused when warm air comes into contact with a cold surface.
If left untreated, this can result in mould appearing on ceilings and walls.
Not only is the toxic fungi unsightly, it can also be harmful to your health, potentially causing respiratory conditions and headaches.
Claire Douglas said: “My top tip is to use one of the super cheap window film kits that you tape over the panes to create an additional layer of insulation.
"They cost about £3-4 on Amazon and make a huge difference.”
The 41-year-old lives in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, with her husband and two children.
She posts DIY and home improvement tips and hacks on her and TikTok account (@clairedouglasstyling) – as well as on her .
Claire said: “Condensation wouldn’t be such a big problem in our home if we left our radiators on all the time, but with energy costs soaring, I try to ration the heating.
"Taking this step prompted me to investigate ways to reduce condensation – on a budget."
As part of this, Claire tested out a DIY window insulation kit. Blown away with the results, Claire is now a complete convert.
“I was so impressed with how well the window film works,” she said.
"There’s no longer any condensation on the glass, even in the mornings after the heating has been off all night.”
As well as preventing condensation from building up, Claire loves the fact the film also helps block any draughts.
As we reported previously, according to the Energy Saving Trust, a huge 21% of heat in the home is lost through windows and doors.
Claire added: “With the film in place, the reduction in the amount of heat escaping was noticeable.
"For me, this is definitely one of the cheapest ways of battling heat loss in the winter."
If you don’t rate your DIY skills, fear not, as Claire says the film is really easy to fit.
“First off, you need to clean – and dry – both the window and also the frame,” said the home renovation whizz.
“You want to be sure the adhesive tape will stick around the entire window.”
As the plastic shrink film comes in large sheets, you will have to cut it to size.
“Measure to the edge but take care to allow a few cm extra on each side to reach the frames,” said Claire.
“You then need to apply the tape to the outer edge of the frame.”
Remember your aim is to trap a thick layer of air between the windowpane and the film.
“Once you’re ready to apply the film, work from a top corner, attaching it to the mounting tape,” said Claire.
“Press firmly and stretch out the film as you go so it’s taut. Work your way down until the whole pane is covered.”
Ensure there are no gaps – as you need it to be airtight.
“Use a hairdryer to apply heat to the edges of the film and shrink it into place,” said the DIY supremo.
“Don’t hold the hairdryer too close in one spot for too long or the film will get too hot.”
If all goes to plan, you should see the plastic tighten over the window.
Claire added: "The film will have trapped a layer of air, effectively giving you double glazing.”
At this time of year, it’s vital to take all the steps you can to keep mould at bay, as if you end up needing to call in the professionals to deal with the problem, you could find yourself having to fork out around £300 per room, according to Checkatrade.
Equally, if you end up with a particularly bad case and need to have mould removed across your whole property, you could end up facing a bill of around £1,200.
While it’s also possible to carry out Claire’s ‘window film’ hack with items you already have at home – such as good old fashioned cling film or bubble wrap – just be aware that experts don’t think these products work quite as well.
You can buy a roll of cling film at Asda for £1.80, and get a roll of bubble wrap on Amazon for less than a fiver.
However, the Energy Saving Trust recommends the more robust insulation kits over these alternatives.
The body says that although a thin film stuck to your frame may provide some limited improvement at low cost, it is unlikely to last long.
Claire points out that at £3.50, shop-bought window film kits are great value.
She said: “This covering will genuinely make a huge difference, and especially to single-pane windows.
We previously reported that Lidl claimed that their £6.99 thermal window foil could save the average family more than £100 on bills.
Elsewhere, one Sun reader claimed she could save a whopping £500 a year with this same window film hack.
What you need to bear in mind is that while film or foil is a simple way to save energy – and keep the warmth within your home – these solutions will only do half a job if you don’t solve the root of the problem.
If your windows are draughty, you need to give some serious thought to getting them fixed.
And, in the long run – if and when you can afford to do so – upgrading to double glazing is the best option.
"One of these kits will help stop condensation and help you save on your heating bills – while still allowing light to enter. It’s a complete no brainer."
That said, Claire does warn that this product will not eliminate air moisture completely.
She added: “It won’t solve all your condensation problems. Your walls will, for example, continue to attract moisture.”
With this in mind, the home styling whizz has another suggestion.
She said: “If you struggle with very bad condensation and can’t afford to keep a low level heat on all the time - or if you’re unable to improve the ventilation by installing things such as extractors fans - then I recommend using a dehumidifier."
You can pick up an extractor fan on Amazon for just over £20, and you can
Also be sure to get into the habit of letting fresh air into your home, even on a cold day.
Claire added: “The best bit about window film is that you can still open the window to allow for daily ventilation.”
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