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I’m a plumber – a simple settings change can cut your water bills by £100s

A NEW year brings with it the chance to make money-saving changes - so why not start with your water bills?

Energy bills have soared for millions of households who will be looking for ways to cut back on costs.

Winston Davis, founder of Avenue Heating, has offered his top money-saving tips
Winston Davis, founder of Avenue Heating, has offered his top money-saving tips

The energy price guarantee, brought in by the government, means the average household is paying an average of £2,500 for gas and electricity.

And this will go up to £3,000 from April next year.

When it comes to your water bills, there are a few things you can do to save money though.

The Sun spoke to Winston Davis, plumber and founder of Avenue Heating, who offered his five top tips to ensure you're not unnecessarily blowing cash this year.

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Check your thermostat

It might be tempting to hike up your thermostat to the max but it doesn't need to be so high.

Instead, dial it down and save money without sacrificing warmth.

Winston said: "Your hot water really only needs to be around 55 degrees Celsius.

"Some properties we go to, it is set to 70 and this can make a real difference to your bills."

"If you looked at changing your hot water from 70 to 55 you could be saving about 10 to 15% with the heating of your water cost.

"Over the course of a year that's a significant saving."

Reduce the time spent in the shower

If you're the type of person that spends ages in the shower, it might be time to rethink.

Reducing the amount of time you're in there can slash your bills dramatically.

If you're feeling brave enough you could opt for a cold shower and save even more.

Winston said: "Having a hot shower is lovely, but if you’re spending more than five minutes taking one, then you could be adding on additional costs.

"From the cost of the water itself, the cost of heating it and even the additional cost of the extraction fan as it works to try and clear the steam away."

Winston added that the more time spent in the shower increases the chance of water going through cracks in tiles and the floor which might need repairing down the line.

He said: "We get called out loads to people who have leaks in their shower.

"The less time in the shower, there's less chance of water leaks happening. So you're spending less on repairs."

Use a dishwasher

It might seem counterintuitive, but using a dishwasher rather than a washing up bowl can actually save you on your bills.

But make sure it's full to the brim, as this will increase its efficiency.

Winston said: "Some figures put using a dishwasher at four times more efficient than traditional washing up."

Check for leaks

Leaky sinks and toilets can add hundreds to your water bills if you don't get them fixed quickly.

It might not always be obvious they're haemorrhaging water either, so it's worth having a quick check around the house.

Winston said: "We often are called out to people who have had large water bills, only to find that their money was literally going down the drain.

"Sometimes, especially in toilets, it’s difficult to even see that there is a leak, but if you put a small piece of tissue at the back of the toilet bowl and it becomes wet, then it’s likely your toilet syphon is 'letting by'."

The phrase "letting by" means that something is leaking.

If you're faced with a leaky tap or toilet, you can always try fixing it yourself.

If you don't fancy braving it, try getting a plumber in but keep in mind they'll obviously charge you for the service.

The cost of fixing a toilet can range between £60 to £100 depending on the plumber.

Soften me up

Hard water passing through water pipes can lead to limescale build-up and, in a worst-case scenario, blockage.

Instead, you can use a water softener to literally soften your water supply and reduce the risk of build-ups.

They can cost up to hundreds of pounds, but Winston said are worth it in the long run.


Winston said: "Water softeners prevent limescale forming and can make appliances last longer in your bathroom.

"They cost a fair amount up front, but in the long term can prevent your appliances from deteriorating."
