Three major changes for renters to be brought forward including BANNING ‘no fault’ evictions – what it means for you
THREE major changes for renters are set to be brought forward, Michael Gove has confirmed.
The Levelling Up Secretary today blasted a "small but noxious minority" of landlords who don't treat tenants properly.
He vowed to bring forward legislation to "effectively deal" with the issue.
This legislation make up a Government White Paper which breaks down a "blueprint for renters".
The first of three major changes laid out in the white paper will see an end to section 21 no-fault evictions.
As it stands, the law means a landlord can ask you to move out without needing a valid reason if you're outside of a rental contract.
Many tenants live in fear of being evicted at short notice or continue to live in sub-standard accommodation because they are worried they'll be asked to leave if they complain about problems in their home.
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If section 21 is scrapped, landlords will still be able to end tenancies if they have a good reason, for example, if tenants don't pay rent or damage a property.
The second major change laid out in the paper would see notice periods doubled.
As it stands, landlords only have to give two months' notice before starting eviction proceedings.
But under Mr Gove's plan, should you be evicted for justified reasons, you will have twice as long to find a new place.
And tenants will be given stronger powers to challenge evictions if they are unjustified.
The third major policy change Brits can expect involves tenants being repaid rent for non-decent homes.
It is unclear exactly what this measure will entail, nor the factors which determine how unsuitable a home is.
But it could see Brits handed refunds on their rent if their home meets the necessary criteria over a long period of time.
What is the section 21 rule and what are your rights as a renter
THE law - known as Section 21 - means a landlord can ask you to move out with two months notice, without needing a particular reason.
- The first step of every procedure is the section 21 notice - a letter of notification that the landlord must serve to the tenant, prior to the eviction. The notice to quit is purely informational and doesn’t carry any legal power.
- If you’ve got a good relationship with your landlord, it might be worth asking them if you can stay in your home for longer. Send a letter to your landlord explaining your situation and keep a copy of any reply you get.
- Your landlord can’t make you leave your home unless they’ve gone to court to get a possession order and a warrant for eviction.
- You might be able to challenge your eviction and stay in your home.
- A section 8 notice can require you to move sooner, but can only be served if the landlord has a reason, such as you breaking the terms of your tenancy.
- New rules introduced in October 2015 have made it harder to evict you for reporting problems with the property.
- If you’re asked to leave because you’ve asked for repairs then you should see advice immediately.
- You can find more tips on how to challenge your eviction on .
White papers are policy documents the Government produces that set out their proposals for future laws.
They provide the basis for future legislation - and are not laws yet.
But today, Mr Gove confirmed he would "bring forward" future legislation to effectively deal with rogue landlords.
He told the BBC's Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg: "Before I left government in the summer, we had put in place plans both to deal with social landlords that are not doing their job effectively, and also to deal with the very small but noxious minority of private landlords who are not treating their tenants properly.
"We will bring forward that legislation to deal effectively with them."
He also said the Government remains committed to its target of building 300,000 new homes a year.
The Conservative Party's 2019 manifesto pledged to "continue progress towards our target of 300,000 homes year by the mid-2020s".
Meanwhile, Mr Gove said "targeted support" is on the table for Brits struggling to afford to pay their private landlord.
While he wouldn't be pressed on the specific support available to renters, he said a "range of options" are being looked at by ministers.
Laura Kuenssberg quizzed Mr Gove on whether Brits would get help paying their rent as landlords across Britain hike up prices.
He replied: "Well we know people in private rented sector and in social rented sector are facing tough times.
"We are looking at a range of options to help them. It could mean targeted support for all sorts of people who are in difficulty.
"I can't anticipate specific support. There are people in all sorts of difficult economic circumstances.
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"Rent is going to be one of the challenges people will face. We also have food price inflation, we have already had support for people facing rising energy prices...
"There are different ways of supporting people, whether that's through universal credit, the tax system, or direct support."