Major rent freeze for tenants across Scotland amid cost of living crisis as Nicola Sturgeon piles pressure on Liz Truss
RENTS and rail fares have been frozen in Scotland to help with the cost of living crisis.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's announcement piled pressure on new PM Liz Truss to do more to help too.
She also urged Britain's new PM to freeze energy bills to help Brits cope through the "humanitarian emergency" .
Rail fares on ScotRail – which was brought into public ownership earlier this year – would be frozen until at least March 2023.
The Scottish Government will bring in emergency legislation to freeze rents for both the private and socially rented sectors.
Ministers in the UK have announced a rent cap on social housing to protest rent increases - with 3 per cent, 5 per cent and 7 per cent being discussed.
Its thought that could help save tenants in council and housing association homes around £300 a year.
But Ms Sturgeon's plans cover rent for private landlords too.
She told Scotland's Parliament Holyrood: "We will take immediate action to protect tenants in the private and in the social rented sectors.
"I can announce that we will shortly introduce emergency legislation to Parliament. The purpose of the emergency law will be two-fold.
"Firstly, it will aim to give people security about the roof over their head this winter through a moratorium on evictions.
"Secondly, the legislation will include measures to deliver a rent freeze."
Ms Sturgeon added: "The Scottish Government does not have the power to stop your energy bills soaring, but we can and will take action to make sure that your rent does not rise."
The rent freeze system is expected to be similar to different measures that were introduced during the coronavirus pandemic.
Most read in The Sun
Her plans will also include increasing the Scottish child payment to £25 per eligible child per week from November 14.
New Prime Minister Liz Truss is yet to unveil her plan to ease the cost of living crisis.
She's expected to reveal her major energy plans on Thursday - but the final details are still being drawn up.
It's expected the wholesale price of gas will be frozen, meaning bills will be capped at around £2,500 a year.