Aldi August bank holiday opening times: What time are stores open on Monday 26?

ALDI shoppers will be keen to know what time its branches are open over the August bank holiday.
The retailer operates more than 1,000 supermarkets across the UK, and opening times can vary from store to store.
But what about the August bank holiday on Monday, August 26?
Here's everything you need to know.
The simple answer is yes.
Aldi has confirmed standard opening hours across its branches will apply on Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25.
Stores in England and Wales will then open until 8pm on August 26 while Scottish branches will close at 10pm as normal.
Of course, opening hours will vary from branch to branch so make sure you use Aldi's store locator tool to find out what time your nearest location is open.
You can find the tool on Aldi's website and just have to enter your postcode or town.
Unlike Easter Sunday and Christmas Day, most supermarkets are open as usual over the August bank holiday.
Opening hours tend to vary though so it's important to check ahead.
To avoid a wasted trip, simply check the store locator for your favourite supermarket beforehand.
The remaining bank holidays for 2024 are the following:
Make sure you read this before heading out on a bank holiday.
Get all the other opening times and bank holiday news here.