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Last chance to get up to £750 energy bill help as major scheme closes TODAY

HARD-UP households are being urged to apply for energy bill grants NOW or they risk missing out on free cash.

British Gas offers up to £750 to anyone struggling with bills - and you don't have to be a customer.

Millions will struggle with bills in April when the energy price cap rises
Millions will struggle with bills in April when the energy price cap risesCredit: Getty

But applications for the help to clear energy bill debts will close for customers of other energy firms at 4pm today (March 18).

A separate fund only for customers will continue to accept applications.

The grants are available to those in "exceptional circumstances" to help pay off energy debts in part or in full.

Certain eligibility criteria applies, like must be in or facing fuel poverty and have savings of no more than £1,000.

Read more on energy help

You'll need to and provide information like proof of your income, a meter reading and show that you've sought money advice in the last three months.

Several big Energy suppliers offer hardship funds to help anyone falling behind on their bill, but the schemes have closed already at four other suppliers.

Ovo Energy has closed the scheme to new applicants due to high demand.

A message on its website reads: "We're no longer accepting referrals at this time and Plymouth Citizens Advice Bureau is in the process of contacting all current referrals."

The same goes for smaller supplier Boost, which is part of Ovo.

Meanwhile Eon has said customers can't apply for the fund as their accounts are being moved over to E.On Next.

And Bulb has said its fund will open again in "spring" after offering eligible customers £140 grants or a debt write-off of up to £2,000 last year.

It comes as millions of households face rocketing energy bills within weeks.

Peter Smith, director of policy and advocacy at National Energy Action (NEA), said: "At this exceptionally challenging time, any support is in huge demand and unfortunately current assistance is limited.

"Many support organisations will often only have funding agreed until the end of March so it's important people are aware of the schemes that are still open and apply fast - before the 50% increase in energy bills kicks in at the start of April. 

"It is also important that people have the confidence to contact their energy supplier directly if they are worried, especially if they think they are in or at risk of falling into debt.

"They must work with you to provide you with a manageable way of paying what you might owe and should be able to signpost other forms of support".  

With these schemes closed You won't be able to get the cash grant if you're a customer of a supplier that's now closed the scheme.

But you should still get in touch if you're struggling as there is other help they can offer.

Here are the energy supplier schemes you can still apply to for help and it's best to do it sooner rather than later so you don't miss out.

Scottish Power - up to £750

Scottish Power has a hardship fund to help customers who are struggling to meet their bill payments.

The supplier will wipe up to 40% of eligible customers' debts, up to a value of £750 per household.

Awards are only made to help with debts and are made to the energy account.

That means you won't receive a cash grant or money to put towards future energy use.

You need to prove you're in financial hardship and have debts that you're struggling to pay.

There's no deadline and you can make a claim every three years.

If you've previously received a grant you can claim again, but only if it was more than three years ago.

Scottish Power said customers should first contact an independent debt advice service, such as , before making an application.

You will receive free advice and more information about the hardship scheme.

If you decide to make an application, you can do so through , which manages the scheme for Scottish Power.

Octopus up to £500

Octopus is offering hard-up customers cash grants of between £50 and £500 and the average pay out so far has been £100.

The supplier recently doubled the cash on offer through the Octo Assist Fund to a total of £5m and the mount you can get will depend on your needs.

There's no deadline to apply but it is a good idea to make a claim as soon as possible.

You can apply on the Octopus website by filling out its 

There is no specific eligibility criteria, but most of the customers who get support from the fund are in arrears with their bill payments.

However, all applications are decided on a case-by-case basis.

Someone who is in credit and has historically paid their bills on time but has recently suffered a drop in income could be eligible for support, for example.

If you aren't able to get a cash grant you might be offered other help.

British Gas - up to £750

British Gas launched a fund at the start of the year to help customers cope with rising energy bills, and struggling households can get up to £750 to help pay off their debts.

To get a grant you need to be living in fuel poverty and not have more than £1,000 saved up.

You're considered to be living in fuel poverty if your energy bills are above average and, once paid, would leave you with income below the poverty line.

You have to be a British Gas customer living in England, Scotland or Wales to apply for the winter fund.

You've also got to have an outstanding debt of between £250 to £1,000 on an open gas or electricity or duel fuel account.

If you've received a grant from British Gas in the past, you can still apply if it was through a different scheme.

In January, British Gas estimated that around 75,000 customers who were eligible had not yet applied for the scheme.

British Gas customers can 

You'll need to provide proof of household income, including all of the adults you live with, and a meter reading.

E.On Next

E.On Next's hardship fund offers grants to help pay your bill or for replacement appliances.

The supplier doesn't say how much you can get and you'll need to be in financial hardship.

You can and you'll need to provide certain information like proof of income and a recent meter reading.


EDF has the customer support fund which gives grants to vulnerable customers.


This is to help if you're struggling with energy bills or can help with the cost of buying white goods.

You'll need to , though EDF does not say how much this could be worth.

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