Little-known trick to cut your heating bill – and it takes seconds to do

FAMILIES may not know that a simple trick will help them cut their heating bill - and it takes just seconds to do.
It involves putting radiator foil - or tin foil will do the trick - behind your radiator.
Instead of your radiator blowing hot air at the wall, if you put the foil behind the radiator, it will reflect it.
This means that you won't that it won't be wasting energy - and adding money onto your bill.
Instead, more hot air will be circulated around the room, giving your radiator a boost.
According to British Gas engineer Joanna Flowers, the trick could save you £20 a year.
"Foil panels can be found at most DIY stores or online and are relatively cheap and make sure heat travels into the room," she said.
"This tip saves even more on radiators on exterior walls. You can even use regular foil if you need to."
Simply put sellotape on the corner of the foil and pop it behind your radiator.
The hack will come in handy for reducing your bills as Brits are being hit by a cost of living crisis.
The cap, which sets the maximum amount providers can charge customers, will come into force from April,
Costs are only expected to rise further later this year in October, when the next price cap announcement is.
Energy bills aren't the only bills going up.
Households are being hit by rocketing prices on transport, fuel and food as well.
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