Renters could be able to force landlords to fix and upgrade 800,000 homes – your rights explained
RENTERS could be able to force landlords to fix and upgrade 800,000 homes that aren't fit for purpose under a new rules shake-up.
Landlords will now be expected to invest in making their properties better for tenants if they fall below minimum standards under the new rules.
Thousands of families are battling against poor housing conditions.
In 2020, 21% of privately rented homes failed to meet the minimum standard of housing conditions expected, according to the latest English Housing Survey.
Poor conditions are most commonly found in the North of England and the Midlands, according to latest government figures.
Around 34% of private rented homes are classed as "non-decent", compared to 17% in the South East.
That's why new rules have been announced by the housing secretary Michael Gove that will force landlords to upgrade and repair homes.
The shake-up means that private rented homes will now have to abide by the Decent Homes Standard.
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Under this standard, homes must be in a reasonable state of repair, have modern facilities and services, and have a reasonable level of insulation and heating in place.
It used to only apply to social housing, but now private rented housing will have to meet these standards too for the first time ever.
Mr Gove estimated the new rules will see 800,000 rented homes undergo improvements to hit this standard by 2030, slashing the number of poor quality home in half.
There are currently 4.4million homes in the private rented sector.
Mr Gove said: "Our mission to regenerate and level up the nation must include a radical re-think of what we expect from home providers.
“No-one should have to live in a substandard home, regardless of the tenure, so our priority is to create a fairer private and social rented sector for everyone.”
It is not clear whether there will be penalties in place should landlords fail to improve their properties - or if renters could get compensation as a result if so.
We've asked for more information and will update this article as soon as we know more.
Generation Rent deputy director Dan Wilson Craw said renters have been getting a "horrendous deal" paying high rent rates for housing that is not fit to live in, and said the shake-up is a step forwards.
And although renters could use the new rules to put pressure on landlords to hike up standards in their home, Mr Wilson Craw raised concerns over how this will work in practice.
"Whether it will work depends on how easy the government makes it for renters to exercise their right to a decent home and if it provides enough funding to enforce those standards properly,” he added.
Your renting rights
This renting shake-up will help strengthen existing rules in place that protect tenants.
We round up what these protections are below - here's what you need to know.
Renters can sue landlords over damp and mould
Landlords must make sure that your home is fit to live in under the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act.
That means issues like damp and mould caused by building design defects is your landlord's responsibility to fix.
It also covers infestations of rodents, insects and bed bugs.
The rules apply to new tenancies under seven years; new secure, assured and introductory tenancies; and to tenancies renewed for a fixed term.
You have a right to take your landlord to court if they fail to fix the problem - and you could be in line for compensation.
A completely uninhabitable property could get 100% of rent as compensation, but this is incredibly rare.
More typically, compensation would be between 25% and 50% of your rent, according to legal experts.
You could get a payout for unfixed faults
Your landlord is responsible for most repairs that need doing in your home, according to Shelter.
That includes anything that needs fixing with your electrical wiring, heating, gas pipes and boilers, hot water, bathroom appliances like baths and sinks, and the structure of the building both inside and out.
If your own furniture gets damaged, that's your own responsibility.
But if your landlord doesn't fix issues with your house in a reasonable time, you could be due compensation.
What qualifies as a reasonable amount of time varies depending on the problem and what time of year it is - for example, if your boiler packs up in the winter, then that's an urgent issue.
You can ask for a rent reduction or payout, Shelter says - but if your landlord refuses, you can take legal action to claim your cash.
Fines for dangerous electrics
If your landlord hasn't carried out electrical safety tests on their properties, they could be fined up to £30,000, as part of a government crackdown.
A qualified electrician must check all wires and sockets in properties before a tenancy begins.
Electrics must then be inspected at least once every five years.
You should get in touch with your local council if you believe your landlord hasn't done the necessary checks.
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