Thousands of families can apply for up to £600 in cash or supermarket vouchers – how much can you claim NOW

THOUSANDS of families struggling with bills can get help worth as much as £600 this winter.
Local councils are giving out cash and vouchers to hard-up Brits to help with the cost of bills and food.
A cost of living crisis has seen food and energy prices shoot up putting pressure on household finances.
Anyone struggling can access help from the Household Support Fund through their local authority.
Each area is dishing out support in different ways, ranging from vouchers for supermarkets, to cash to cover bills.
For instance residents of Richmond can get up to £600 in cash or supermarket vouchers to cover the cost of essentials like food, energy and clothing.
How much you can get in the London borough depends on your circumstance and the highest amount is for struggling households with two or more children.
To be eligible you need to be "struggling from the impact of rising costs of food and energy or continue to be impacted by Covid" .
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Each council is giving out the cash differently. In Barnsley you need to be claiming Council Tax support to be eligible and there's up to £340 available.
Meanwhile Rutland county council is contacting residents who are getting Council Tax support and issuing a £100 payment to them.
You can find out what support is being offered near you by finding your local council using t
The Household Support Fund is worth £500m until the end of March and different areas get a slice of it according to it's size and need.
For instance Blackpool has £1.7m and Darlington £913k from the government.
As there's a limited pot of cash and that could run out if there's high demand.
Some places also have earlier deadlines for applying, and in others the scheme has already closed, so It's worth checking what you can get sooner rather than later.
Local councils also offer other support that could help you pay for essentials, so if you're not eligible or miss the deadline it's worth checking what else is available.
For instance Richmond council is also reminding residents they can get £170 separately to help with fuel bills through its fuel grant scheme.
Energy bill help is also available through your energy company and government schemes - find out what you could get in our guide.
And here are The Sun's top money-saving tips to beat soaring energy bills, inflation and rising taxes.