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You’ve been using your heating all wrong – four myths to avoid and save HUNDREDS of pounds

THERE'S lots of advice available on how households can reduce their energy bills, but some well-known tips won't actually help you cut costs.

Some popular guidance won't save you an extra penny, and could even cost you more money.

Leaving your electrical appliances on standby can raise your energy bills
Leaving your electrical appliances on standby can raise your energy bills

Many families are hoping to cut their energy bills this winter as gas and electricity costs have risen this year.

This follows the hike to the energy price cap in October.

A string of energy firms have collapsed in 2021 due to rising wholesale gas prices, meaning many households have been taken off their cheaper fixed rate deals.

We explain some of the most common energy myths - and reveal how much you could save by changing your habits.

Myth 1 - Turning your thermostat higher heats your house faster

  • Save £80

Many people believe that turning your thermostat up a few degrees when you put your heating will make your home warm up faster.

But that is a common misconception - your house will heat up at the same speed and you'll just spend more money, according to energy expert Kevin Pratt from .

Boilers work at the same speed no matter what temperature the thermostat is set to.

By setting it higher your central heating will just have to work for a longer period of time, which will use more energy.

But turning down your thermostat by just one degree can actually save you around £80 a year, and you probably won't notice the reduction in temperature.

Myth 2 - Appliances don't use energy when they're turned off

  • Save £30

You might think that leaving your TV, computer or games console on standby isn't a problem.

But leaving appliances plugged in and on standby still eats up energy, even though they're not in use.

They constantly use electricity so they're ready for immediate usage when you switch them on.

Remembering to turn them off could save your family around £30 a year.

As well as turning off TVs and kitchen appliances, you'll also save electricity by unplugging any laptop or phone charging cables when they're not in use.

However, before you unplug an electronic appliance you should check it won't affect their programming - but most should be fine.

Myth 3 - Most heat escapes through windows

  • Save £480

People could assume that most heat in their homes is lost through the windows.

While it's true that some escapes through windows, and it's worth getting rid of draughts around your windows and doors, most of the heat leaving your home goes through the walls and roof.

A quarter of heat is lost through the roof in an uninsulated home and about a third escapes through the walls.

Insulating your loft could save you up to £225 a year and installing cavity wall insulation could reduce energy expenditure by up to £255.

But both of these measures include an upfront cost of several hundred pounds, so it might not be an affordable option for everyone.

You might be eligible for a government grant to make your home more energy efficient, so it could be worth

Myth 4 - Investing in LED bulbs isn't worth it

  • Save £35

LED bulbs cost a lot more than normal bulbs to buy, so it might seem counterproductive to splurge on them if you're trying to cut costs.

But they're actually much more energy efficient and last longer, so they're actually greener and cheaper than the incandescent bulbs you might be used to.

Replacing all of the bulbs in your home with LEDs will cost around £100 but will save you around £35 a year.

So while there's a lump sum to pay to make the change, they'll save you cash in the long run.

Forbes Advisor's Kevin Pratt said: "Using LED spotlights or compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) can also reduce the amount you spend on energy as they use far less electricity than standard bulbs.

"LEDs are now bright enough to replace halogen bulbs and they come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and fittings."


Small energy firm Zog went bust this morning, leaving 11,700 customers in the lurch.

We've worked out how much it might cost you to heat your house this winter, and the price of cooking a Christmas dinner.

Quarter of Brits use environment-related phrases without knowing what they mean, study finds

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