How to avoid simple mistakes that could result in your benefits being stopped

MILLIONS of Brits rely on the benefits system to cover essential costs, but simple mistakes could result in their payments being stopped.

A failure to update the benefits office of a change in circumstances - such as name, gender, job or address - could put payments on pause.

Failing to update your details could result in your pensions being pausedCredit: PA

As well as alterations to basic personal information such as your name or address, there are a whole range of other changes that need to be reported.

Your benefits could be stopped if you forget to update your doctor's details when you switch surgeries.

Claimants also need to let the government know if they start or stop education, have a baby, or get married or divorced.

Another simple mistake you could make includes failing to inform the benefit office if you're planning to go abroad for any length of time.


As well as the threat of your benefits being stopped, there is also a risk that you could be paid too much - which you will then have to repay.

If the government thinks you failed to notify them of a change on purpose, resulting in an overpayment, you could be investigated for benefit fraud.


This could be the Department for Work and Pensions, HMRC, the Service and Personnel and Veterans Agency or your local authority.

Some of your benefits could be stopped while you're investigated, and you'll get a letter informing you if this happens.

Only sanctionable benefits can be docked or paused if you're accused of benefit fraud.
