We give you green tips to help your plants survive indoors while saving cash
HOW does your indoor garden grow?
During lockdown, sales of indoor plants rose fivefold, according to some online retailers. But if you’re not naturally green fingered, are you wasting your money?
I spoke to Kate Turner, Miracle-Gro gardening guru () for tips that will save your plants — and your cash.
DO YOUR RESEARCH: Kate says: “The most important thing is to research the house plant you have. Each type requires different watering, feeding patterns and amounts of daily sunlight.”
DON’T SPLASH OUT: A common problem is overwatering — you shouldn’t water unless the top one inch of soil is dry. If the leaves wilt and turn soft, you’ve overwatered. After watering, drain the plant before putting it back in its pot. Leaving a plant sitting in water is the worst killer.
DO PRUNE TO PERFECTION: Remove dying leaves — if they are brown beyond saving, cut them off at the bottom of the stem. The plant’s energy will be used to feed and grow the healthy leaves.