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Morrisons shoppers unable to pay for food with card or contactless due to payment issues

MORRISONS shoppers have complained of issues paying for their shopping at many stores across the country.

Some customers were left unable to pay for their food shop with a card or use contactless payments.

Morrisons customers have run into problems paying for their shopping
Morrisons customers have run into problems paying for their shoppingCredit: Getty - Contributor

Shoppers say they were able to use cash, but some were forced to run out to cash machines while at the supermarket's checkout in freezing weather.

One annoyed customer said on Twitter: “Absolute pant wetting stupidity from Morrisons binley to let you do a whole shop unload shopping onto belt THEN tell you the WHOLE store is cash only and to go outside in the driving snow to get cash out the cash point”

They weren’t the only person put out by the payment issues: another shopper said: “Morrisons if u are having problems with your card/contactless payments. U need to tell people before they scan all there shopping, then to be refused payment. Absolutely useless.”

Another tweeted: “Chaos in Morrisons no card machines working.”


It's not clear how widespread the problem is but payment issues have been encountered at Morrisons in areas ranging from Scotland to Cornwall.

Sharing on a Facbook group for people in Cornwall, one person posted:

“Word of warning, morrisons liskeard not taking card payment machines down cash only, i just spent time shopping went self serve and then after going through the lot, sorry not taking card payments are signal is down." 

Twitter users in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Wales and Norwich are among those who have said they had payment problems at their local store.

Morrisons has been contacted for comment.

Supermarkets are among many of the shops which have urged people to pay with card rather than cash during the coronavirus crisis.

Morrisons and other supermarkets will now refuse entry to those who don't wear face masks, apart from those who are exempt, in a bid to tackle the spread of the virus.

Find out the latest supermarket lockdown rules here.

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