New ‘SIM-jacking’ fraud means criminals can take control of your phone and raid your bank accounts

SIM-JACKING fraud, where criminals to hijack your phone number so they can raid your bank account, is on the rise in the UK.

There were 300 SIM-jacking cases since April 2019, compared to just 99 in the previous 12 months, according to new figures from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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SIM-jacking, where fraudsters steal people’s phone numbers to empty their bank accounts, has risen by 200 per cent

While the number of incidents is still relatively low, there has been a 200 per cent increase in a very short period of time and victims are losing thousands of pounds.

For instance, in September 2019, two London-based SIM-jackers after stealing almost half a million pounds using purchases and bank transfers.

And in October 2019, scammer Emanuel Poku was jailed after stealing over £2million through a SIM-jacking spree.

While food blogger and activist Jack Monroe was the victim of a SIM-jack, which resulted in six months’ earning being stolen from a bank account.

What is SIM-jacking?

SIM-jacking, which is also known as PAC fraud, is when a fraudster gets your phone number transferred to a phone they control.

They do this by using the Porting Authorisation Code (PAC), which is a code that allows you to keep your number when you lose or break your phone.

Usually, this is a useful system. It means if your old phone no longer works, you can call your provider, give them some personal information and they’ll port your number over to a new device.

But criminals are taking advantage of this system by fraudulently getting their hands on people’s PACs to steal their phone numbers.

Once they have control of the number, they can use it to get access to private information, messages and even security keys.

Sometimes, they can use this information to override security measures and empty your bank accounts.

Lots of organisations, including banks, use text messages as a way to confirm your identity when you’re trying to access accounts.

But if you’re a victim of SIM-jacking, the messages go to a fraudster, who can then use them to get access to your bank details.

Food blogger Jack Monroe was a victim of SIM-jacking in late 2019 and had thousands of pounds stolen

How can I avoid SIM-jacking?

Usually, fraudsters get hold of the PAC numbers by using your personal information, such as your name, address and date of birth.

They get hold of these details in a number of ways, but common methods include sending phishing emails or looking at unlocked social media accounts.

Sometimes criminals also attempt to get information by approaching people directly to try and gain their trust.

There have also been some reports that fraudsters have been bribing employees at mobile service providers to access PAC numbers.

To help avoid falling victim to PAC card fraud, you should make sure your social media accounts are set to private and that you don’t share any personal information online.

You also need need to consider what you are downloading carefully, make sure you don’t open files from unknown sources, and be wary of ‘pop-ups’ requesting unsolicited downloads.

You should also make sure that you use different passwords for all your different accounts and that the passwords you choose are complex.

You can also speak to your phone provider and ask them to add extra security to your account, such as requiring a passcode to make any changes.

What should I do if I’m a victim of phone hacking?

If you have been the victim of SIM-jacking, your phone will stop working as the number will be reassigned.

If you’re worried, you should immediately call your phone operator and tell them what has happened.

You must also ring your bank to explain that you believe your accounts have been compromised.

You should also use a computer to change the passwords on email accounts quickly, so that hackers can’t use the ‘forgot password’ function to get access to other accounts.

Change your social media passwords too – they may well have been compromised.

You should also report any incidents to Action Fraud to get a police crime reference number.

You can call on 0300 123 2040 or use the

An ICO spokesperson said: “Personal data has to be processed fairly, lawfully and transparently, and with appropriate security.

“Where mobile operators receive switching requests they must therefore ensure they take reasonable steps to address any risks posed to personal data.

“Individuals can contact the ICO if they have any concerns. If anyone is concerned that they have been the victim of fraud they should contact Action Fraud.”


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