Half of blokes have no idea where a woman’s vagina is – while only 1 in 10 could ID their partners’ privates in a line-up
JUST ten per cent of men are confident they could identify their other half’s privates in a line-up.
Experts said each is “very distinct” but blamed couples only ever having sex under the covers or in the dark.
Sex therapist Dr Andrea Pennington, author of The Orgasm Prescription For Women, said: “Women often feel very uncomfortable with their bodies, so men don’t get the chance to see.”
A survey for cancer charity The Eve Appeal, ahead of Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, also found just one in five men thought his partner’s lady garden attractive.
Most did not know the difference between the vagina and vulva, nor were comfortable discussing gynaecological health issues.
The vagina is the muscular "tube" inside the woman's body - where sexual intercourse takes place.
Athena Lamnisos, of The Eve Appeal, said: “Men can play a vital role in identifying the symptoms of gynaecological cancer, prompting their partners to visit the GP. Early diagnosis can save lives.”
Each year, over 21,000 women in the UK are diagnosed with a form of gynaecological cancer, including cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, as well as womb, vaginal and vulval cancers.
This is the equivalent of 58 women being diagnosed daily - and of those, 21 women will lose their battle every day.
SEXERCISE The horrifying thing that can happen to your vagina if you don’t have enough sex (and how self love is just as important)
Gynaecological cancers are wide-ranging and if you experience the certain symptoms, you should seek medical advice.
These include abnormal bleeding or discharge, pelvic pain, sores or swelling on the vulva, bloating and needing to pee more often.
Prof Janice Rymer, of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said: “The alarming results of this survey highlight the need for better sex education.”