This is what the bizarre phrases behind bingo numbers REALLY mean and where they came from

BINGO is a British past-time that dates back to the 16th Century.
Over time, the jargon used to call out the numbers has evolved - so do YOU know what the phrases really mean?
Anita Mangan's new book lifts the lid on bingo lingo.
From nods to war-time tradition to historic references, we take look at the origin behind 10 of the numbers...
9 - Doctor's orders
It's believed that this phrase has been derived from military language.
Reportedly, 9pm was the latest army and naval officers could make medical appointments.
Other research reveals that the digit was slang for a laxative pill that was prescribed to troops.
16 - Never been kissed
This bingo call pays tribute to a song sang by the Blue Mountaineers back in 1932.
The tune is called Sweet Sixteen And Never Been Kissed and tells the story of two teen lovers.
28 - The Old Braggs
The Old Braggs was a nickname given to the 28th North Gloucestershire Regiment of Foot, a military troop that dates back to 1694.
These soldiers distinguished themselves at the Battle of Alexandria, Waterloo and the Crimean War.
44 - Droopy drawers
To find the correlation between this bingo call and 44, you have to look at the digits.
Apparently, the two numbers resemble a pair of trousers that have slipped halfway down someone's legs.
53 - Here comes Herbie (beep beep!)
Herbie The Love Bug is a car that's featured in several Disney films since the 1960s.
The anthropomorphic vehicle has the racing number 53 emblazoned on its bonnet.
56 - Was she worth it?
In the 1950s, it cost five shillings and a sixpence to get married.
The cheeky bingo call asks whether it was worth paying this amount of money for your wife.
57 - Heinz varieties
Ketchup lovers may have noticed the number 57 on the bottle of their Heinz condiments.
The digits are used to describe the amount of different products the sauce manufacturer produces.
59 - Brighton line
Day trips to the beach are another popular British past-time.
The route Londoners take to Brighton and the South Coast is the route 59, which gives its name to this bingo call.
77 - Sunset strip
77 Sunset Strip was an American TV private detective series that aired from 1958 to 1964.
It starred popular actors Roger Moore, William Shatner and Fay Wray.
The show was such a success in Britain that the reference infiltrated the bingo callers' lingo.
83 - Ethel's ear
Just like the bingo call 44, you have to look at the digits on 83 to get this random reference.
As 8 represents a fat lady, who has been dubbed Ethel, the 3 is meant to resemble her ear.
Eyes Down, Look In, Bingo: The Illustrated Guide To Bingo Lingo will be published on September 21 by and is priced at £9.99.
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