Car-ma sutra

We still like bonking in our cars according to a new survey so we’ve tested the best positions to get your engines purring

We spend more than three hours of our lifetime romping in our cars we decided to create our own Car-ma sutra

STEAMY windows and sweaty bodies sliding around on leather seats.

It may sound like that racy scene from Titanic – but in cars up and down the country Brits are getting all revved up.

A survey shows we spend an average of three hours and 24 minutes bonking in cars during our lifetime.

But what’s the best way to make those sexy manoeuvres?

Here is our Car-ma Sutra – positions to get your engines purring, with models Ed Short and

Jess Gladstone giving them a gearstick pleasure rating out of six.

Front seat straddle

Oliver Dixon -
The man sits in the front seat with the woman ­facing him, on top

Jess: “I really enjoyed this one, it was pretty comfortable.”

5 out of 6

Ed: “It’s a normal position, nothing too adventurous. Plus, I get to sit down and chill out.

4 out of 6

Back seat driver

Oliver Dixon -
The driver’s seat is folded down. The woman sits on the guy and then bends over, resting hands on the front seat

Jess: “A struggle to fit on the seat.”

2 out of 6

Ed: “I had to keep my legs really straight. Not comfy.”

3 out of 6

Ball bearings

Oliver Dixon -
Here, the woman can enjoy some heavy petting before getting on top and straddling her partner. The man sits with his legs crossed at the ankles. She sits on his lap, facing him, and wraps her legs around his neck. Use any seat except the driver’s

Jess: “We kept getting stuck to the leather seats.”

2 out of 6
Ed: “It was hard to get the movement going.”

2 out of 6


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Back seat spoon

Oliver Dixon -
The guy gets on the back seat like a passenger, facing towards the front. His partner lies across his lap, sideways. Their legs stretch out across the back seat

Jess: “This position became a logistical nightmare.”

1 out of 6

Ed: “It was more of a bent spoon. Not sexy. I could barely stay on the seat, let alone have sex.”

1 out of 6

Missionary mile

Oliver Dixon -
After a long drive you are probably not in the mood for anything strenuous. Take to the back seat and lie on top of each other. The man is always on top and he will do all the hard work

Jess: “This one was good.”

4 out of 6

Ed: “It’s a classic – I liked it a lot.”

5 out of 6

Va va voom

Oliver Dixon -
He sits in passenger seat looking forward. She sits on top facing the same direction, with legs in between

Jess: “The position wasn’t uncomfortable but I struggled to get any movement.”

3 out of 6

Ed: “It was tricky to move.”

3 out of 6

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