Pregnant women who believe in the ‘eating for two’ myth put unborn child’s health at risk, experts warn

Survey reveals more than two thirds of expecting mothers have no idea how many calories they need

PREGNANT women who believe in the “eating for two” myth risk harming themselves and their babies, experts warn.

More than two thirds of mums-to-be have no idea how many extra calories they need while pregnant, a survey of 2,100 women found.

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Pregnant women who over eat while expecting put their health at risk, expects warn

A total of 2,100 women from across Britain took part in the survey and over 63 per cent of respondents felt pressurised by others to eat larger meals.

Professor Janice Rymer, of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said: “Eating too much during pregnancy and putting on too much weight can be detrimental to both mother and baby.

“Women who are overweight during pregnancy are at an increased risk of having a miscarriage and developing conditions such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia.

“In addition, overweight women have bigger babies who are themselves more likely to become obese and have significant health problems as a result.”

More than 85 per cent of respondents said they did not know how many extra calories to consume during pregnancy.

Alex Davis, from the National Charity Partnership which commissioned the poll, said: “The ‘eating for two’ myth has been around for years, but it’s very unhelpful.”


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