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Smell a Rat?

These are the types of men most likely to cheat on you… and it’s bad news for anyone dating a Wayne

THERE are seven signs that your man is prone to straying

IF you’re the jealous type and worry about your man cheating, read on.

According to a number of recently published surveys, there are certain jobs, ages and even musical tastes that could indicate your partner is more likely to stray.

 Is your man likely to cheat? There are seven types who are more likely to stray
Is your man likely to cheat? There are seven types who are more likely to strayCredit: Getty Images

Even the name Wayne gets a kicking in the trustworthiness stakes.

It’s not an exact science, and most of the results come from sex surveys conducted by online dating sites, but it might change the traits you look for in a man.

In fact, short, rap fans with no computer skills could be your safest bet.

Here are the seven types most likely to cheat on their partners, compiled by.

Tall Men

Tall, dark and handsome could mean love rat in the making.

According to Illicit Encounters, men over 5ft 10in are twice as likely to cheat as shorter guys.

 Taller men are less likely to be faithful
Taller men are less likely to be faithfulCredit: Alamy


 If your man is a lover of rock music you might want to keep him on a tight leash
If your man is a lover of rock music you might want to keep him on a tight leashCredit: Getty Images

Musical taste is a a good indicator of faithfulness.

A survey found that 41 percent of people who cheat also like rock music.

The most loyal men were those who preferred rap music.

The IT crowd

 Working in IT makes cheating more likely
Working in IT makes cheating more likelyCredit: Getty Images

You might think the computer geeks would be less likely to stray, but think again.

According to a survey by dating site Ashley Madison, working in IT makes you the most likely to play away.

The Landmarker

If your partner’s age ends in a 9, you should keep an eye on them.

In a study published by Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences, people who were facing a landmark birthday were more likely to be unfaithful.

The thought of entering a new decade means they are likely to take more risks and be more spontaneous.

The French

 The French are notoriously romantic but not so hot on loyalty
The French are notoriously romantic but not so hot on loyaltyCredit: Getty Images

It may sound like a cliché but those Frenchmen really live up to the love rat label.

In a survey conducted by sex brand Lelo, 75 per cent of French people who participated admitted to having an affair.

Twitter users

 The longer you are on Twitter, the more likely you are to cheat
The longer you are on Twitter, the more likely you are to cheatCredit: Getty Images

That’s not to say everyone who has a Twitter account – which is almost everyone anyway.

But there’s a correlation between the amount of time someone spends on Twitter and the likelihood of them having relationship problems, according to the University of Missouri.


 Wayne was chosen as the least trustworthy name by 2000 women
Wayne was chosen as the least trustworthy name by 2000 womenCredit: Getty Images

Yes, anyone called Wayne.

It seems a bit harsh but in a survey conducted by Siteopia.com,  2,000 women ranked Wayne as the least trustworthy name.

We recently revealed the real reason men say they cheat on their partners.