Rich landlord who splashes out £1.5k a week on his girlfriend and lavish holidays and boasts his business is ‘success HQ’ forced to live in his tenants’ ‘disgusting’ rat-infested home for new TV show
Paul Preston and his girlfriend, who his calls Queen P, normally live a life of luxury
A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE landlord who splashes out £1,500 a week has been forced to see how the other half live - by spending a week in his tenants' 'disgusting' and rat-infested property.
Paul Preston, 40, lives in a luxury apartment with his personal trainer girlfriend Prea - who he calls 'Queen P' because of her expensive tastes.
He's mad a fortune by splitting up homes and renting them out by the room for maximum profit - and boasts his business is called Success HQ.
Speaking to BBC cameras for new show The Week The Landlords Moved In, Prea said: "I like the finer things in life.
"We have a fantastic lifestyle with lots of great holidays. Our outgoings per week to come about £1,500."
For the show, Paul has to swap lives with tenant Hayley, 29, who he has never met - despite the fact that she has lived in his Milton Keynes property for 18 months.
The property mogul, who earns a second income from mentoring, said: "I don’t think it’s essential that you know your tenants personally to run a good business."
Showing producers around the home, for which she pays £575-a-month, Hayley explained: "The walls are covered in mould. The windows aren’t very secure. It looks disgusting.
"It looks dirty, it looks grubby. This is a makeshift washing line made out of a telephone wire.
"This house does not feel like a home. To be honest I don’t think my landlord considers us. Probably only sees it as if the room is vacant or full."
Totally oblivious to her issues, Paul told the cameras: "I would be surprised if there were problems in the house and there were things in the house that needed sorting and fixing."