Conor Maynard screams with pain as he takes on a childbirth simulator in Joe Sugg’s latest YouTube video

THERE appears to be a growing trend for men putting themselves on the line to see if they can endure the agony of going into labour.
Two weeks ago we brought you news of a dad who hooked himself up to a contraction simulator to see if he could stand the pain, and now vlogger Joe Sugg is at it.
Actually that’s not quite accurate, Joe hooked friend Conor Maynard up to the machine in the latest of his hilarious YouTube posts.
In the video, which was uploaded to his , Joe said: “So the other day I was scrolling through the internet as I do and I came across a video of a lady and her partner.
“The lady had strapped this guy up to this labour pain machine and was letting him know what it’s like to have a baby.”
The experiment gave Joe the idea of buying his own “childbirth simulator” from Amazon and testing it out for himself.
He said: “Boys always say the worst pain in the world is getting kicked in the balls, girls always say the worst pain in the world is having a child.”
He attached the electrodes from the simulator to singer Conor, explaining that it came with various levels of contraction.
In order to make the whole test more entertaining Joe decided to turn it into a game, where Conor would be saved from a zapping if he could answer a question about women correctly.
Unfortunately for Conor, the vlogger answered his first question incorrectly and was subsequently blasted with a shock from the machine.
He immediately recoiled, screaming with pain and, once the machine was turned off, he responded saying: “My womb is tingling.”
Sadly Conor went on to answer another four questions incorrectly with Joe upping the pain levels with each incorrect response.
On his third “contraction” an unhappy Conor insisted on holding a friend’s hand and admitted: “I don’t know if I can take any more of that.”
After his next stint on the machine Conor announced that he was in so much pain it was getting to the point where he couldn’t even scream.
Despite the apparent agony, Conor did manage to finish the game and “gave birth” to a plastic baby doll.
It appears it just hasn’t been Conor’s week, as a few days ago Caspar Lee pulled an epic prank on the YouTube singer by filling his Mercedes with Maltesers.