Your Dead, F*** the Systsem… and 17 other of the worst tattoo spelling mistakes ever
These pictures of misspelled tattoos are hilarious, and they prove why it's always worth double checking before committing to body ink
FOR MOST people getting a tattoo is a pretty big deal... but it seems some should have thought a bit harder about their inking.
This hilarious gallery shows what can happen if you're not crystal clear with the person etching your body art.
As the misspellings prove, it's always worth checking with the dictionary before you have a permanent marking inked on your body...
Regret something, more like
So DO give up then?
What a G
And that pesky G again!
He's probably not so sweet on this
That pesky apostrophe
O no!
It's that apostrophe again
Or the tattoo artist maybe?
He'll live to regret this
It's that annoying O again
Not even one?
Are they going to the same tattooist?
O why is this so common?
His heart was in the right place... sort of
At least she's living the tatt
Another apostrophe abomination
Blooming lovely
Most definitely comedy
It could have been worse, they could have ended up with a cartoon willy on their bum like this girl.
Enjoyed that? Check out these tattoos of celebs which look NOTHING like they're supposed to.