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Holy guacamole

Is your avocado making you ILL? These online health trends could be damaging your body

From making your own toothpaste to drinking clay, these are the 'health' trends you need to stop following

AVOCADOS are good for you, right? Yep. But that article you read on Facebook about avocado stones being really good for you? Not so much.

Trouble is, there’s tons of advice available online.

Grinding your avocado stone into a smoothie is just one of the ill-advised online health trends of the momentCredit: RICHARD OSLEY/NBILLUSTRATION.CO.UK

Beauty tutorials are one thing, but there are also YouTube videos on how to remove your own IUD (risks include a lacerated cervix) – ladies, don’t try that home!

And how to make braces from elastic bands (which can destroy the tooth’s root).
So which online health advice is worth heeding and what should you never think of following?

Eating avocado stones

avocado stone
Avocado stones contain elements that are not for human consumptionCredit: GETTY IMAGES

After a blogger posted a video of how to grind avo stones into smoothies, saying they’re a great source of antioxidants, it went viral.

But while the stones do contain antioxidants, the California Avocado Commission doesn’t recommend it, as they also “contain elements that are not intended for human consumption.”

While there have been no studies performed on humans, tests showed the stones were harmful to animals.* Nutrition therapist Ian Marber adds: “We throw away parts of some plants for a reason. They aren’t good for us.”

Making your own sunscreen

DIY suncream can seriously mess with the scientific bits that we rely onCredit: GETTY IMAGES

It’s touted by fans as a chemical-free way to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays, and sees you combining ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil and zinc oxide into a protective blend.

But dermatologist Dr Stefanie Williams from European Dermatology London says it’s not a great idea.

“Zinc oxide is a good sun protection ingredient – it’s a mineral filter that reflects UV rays like a mirror, and is used in many suncare products,” she explains.

“But if you use it yourself, there’s no way of ensuring its stability – which means that when you mix it with different ingredients, it might become unstable, cause an adverse reaction and offer no protection from the sun.

Nor will you know the SPF of the product you create, which puts you at risk of burning.”

If you’re worried about chemicals, Stefanie suggests looking for a brand marked “100% mineral”.

These contain similar natural ingredients to DIY creams, but will have been properly tested. We like Organii Sun Milk SPF20, £17.90.

Drinking clay

Hot amongst models, drinking clay isn't all it's cracked up to beCredit: Getty Images

Zoë Kravitz and Elle Macpherson are just two of the celebrities who are reportedly fans of drinking clay for its apparent ability to bind to toxins in the body and carry them out of the system.

It’s a trend based on misinterpreted science,” says Dr Lauretta Ihonor, whose website Healthtrenddoctor.com aims to debunk online fads.

“Clay is known to bind to heavy metals, like mercury and lead, inside the body. However, the downside of consuming clay – especially daily as recommended by some websites – is it can also bind to minerals your body needs, including iron and calcium, which can put you at risk of malnourishment.”

Other unpleasant side effects can include bloating and excess gas.

DIY toothpaste

Fluoride free toothpaste doesn't need to be made at homeCredit: GETTY IMAGES

The theory is that fluoride, which is found in toothpaste, is a toxin associated with such things as thyroid problems and arthritis, which is why some websites suggest making fluoride-free pastes from coconut oil, baking soda and essential oils.

However, dentists argue that while these might clean, they won’t protect as thoroughly as traditional toothpaste.

“Fluoride combines with saliva to strengthen teeth. When it started being added to toothpaste in the ‘70s, it cut the rate of tooth decay by as much as 40%,” says Dr Nigel Carter from the Oral Health Foundation.

“Conversely, there’s no clear proof that ingredients such as coconut oil clean teeth, and while baking soda is good for removing stains, it doesn’t protect enamel.”

With less children being informed properly on teeth cleaning, it's important to be fully aware of all ingredients.

Admittedly, there’s a small kernel of truth in the online theory – fluoride is poisonous, but only in high doses.

A child eating a whole tube of toothpaste will become sick, but as an adult spitting out your toothpaste, you’re not at risk.

However, if you’re still cautious, Nigel says: “There’s still no need to make your own paste. There are professionally formulated products out there that don’t contain fluoride.”

Try Weleda Salt Toothpaste, £4.75, which is designed to stimulate the production of extra saliva as this contains natural compounds to protect teeth. 

Sipping sole

There is no sound evidence to suggest drinking salt water is good for youCredit: GETTY IMAGES

This infusion of water and Himalayan sea salt is making waves in the wellness community.

Devotees claim you should add a dash of the liquid to a second glass of water and drink each morning, and it will help with everything from weight loss to varicose veins.

“There’s no peer-reviewed evidence to support the idea that drinking salt water made from Himalayan salt, even in moderation, could be beneficial,” says gastroenterologist Nicholas West from Spire St Anthony’s Hospital in Sutton.

He’s also concerned that the instructions to make it aren’t precise enough.

Get it wrong, or if you don’t bother reading them and simply add a load of salt to some water, you could be sick.

“While it’s unlikely that drinking a teaspoon of salt concentrate in a glass of water will harm most people, I’m particularly concerned that this should not be given to babies or older people who may have cardiovascular or kidney disease,” he says.

Source: *The Scientific World Journal
