Snooty mum sends £325 invoice to friend after daughter, 3, returned home from play-date with pen marks on her shoes
A SNOOTY mum invoiced a friend ordering her to pay up after her daughter's £325 red leather boots were marked with pen during a play-date.
Fashion designer Sarah Bryan, who created the infamous Skittles dress, spotted the damage when three-year-old Isabella returned home after an afternoon of fun.
Sarah, who once made a dress out of pubic hair, immediately fired off an angry email to friend Nicola Gibbs, 33, and told her to pay for a new pair or face further action.
Single mum-of-two Sarah, 28, fumed: "If your child comes back with scratches on their body, you’d be like ‘what’s happened?’
"It’s the same with her shoes. She’s not supposed to go outside with them.
"Wherever she goes, she goes with a bag of other shoes.
"Obviously shoes get scuffed on the soles, but these look like they’ve been worn for a year, not for a few hours.
"There's also a big black mark on the toe where they've been drawn on. I was devastated when I saw them."
Sarah, who also has a 13-year-old son Keegan, says her daughter has about 60 pairs of shoes and only wears designer labels.
She even ships in clothes from a specialist Spanish boutique.
In her email to mum-of-three Nicola she wrote: "I am disgusted to see her new Italian leather shoes are all scuffed and have a Sharpie (pen) mark on them so below is the bill for these replacing (sic).
"As a designer you can imagine I do not want my child to look anything less than pristine."
Sarah, from Wakefield, West Yorks, defended her email after Wednesday's playdate with Nicola's three-year-old daughter Stacey.
Sarah, who recently got her FCUK tattoo covered up with one of a woman's face melting, added: "A lot of other people just get their kids’ clothes from Primark. I don’t mind handing a few pounds to them for their dresses.
"But Isabella’s are usually Spanish boutique stuff. She’s actually a model so I keep her in nice clothes and shoes all the time.
"These boots are important for her modelling work because they match her outfits.
"Nicola was in charge and she was looking after my child, so she’s responsible for the damage."
It's a similar row to the one between Derek Walsh and another parent at his five-year-old son's school, who tried to fine the dad £15 after his lad missed a birthday party.
But bemused Nicola refuses to pay a penny towards the damage and yesterday branded Sarah's bill "a pile of nonsense".
Nicola, from Normanton, West Yorks, said: "I don't know what her problem is to be honest.
"She must have more money than sense if shes going to pay that much for a pair of shoes for her daughter and then complain when they get ruined.
"Kids are kids, they get messy, they ruin things, that's life.
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"She needs to get over it because no amount of bills she sends me will make me pay for the shoes.
"I'd advise her next time to send her daughter out in wellies or if she wants to dress something up try Toys 'R' Us."
Fashion designer Sarah is known for working with unusual materials and previously created an outfit made entirely from Skittles.