FORGET Black Friday and the usual Boxing Day sales scrum - these stunning black and white pictures capture the festive frenzy of the pots-Christmas sales through history and they’ll make you feel relieved that online shopping available now.
From punters running into stores to find the best deal, to shoppers being packed-like sardines on Oxford Street, here’s how the January sales tradition has evolved through the years.
1920s: 21
1921: Crowds of shoppers swarm Regent Street, central London Credit: Getty Images 21
1924: Bargain hunters rummage through clothes in Harrods Credit: Rex Features 21
1925: Women wait outside a store in Kensington, London for the doors to open for the January sales Credit: Getty Images 1930s: 21
Shoppers hit the sales in High Street Kensington in the 1930s Credit: Rex Features 21
1933: Gordon Fellowes Sunday Dispatch journalist at Barkers Sale Credit: Rex Features 21
1935: A crowd of bargain hunters shopping for hats in the January sales at Whiteley's department store, Bayswater, London Credit: Getty Images 1940s: 21
1940s: Shoppers looking for offers at The C&A Store sale in Manchester Credit: Rex Features 21
1940s: Crowds gather in The C&A store sale in Manchester Credit: Rex Features 21
1949: Women fight over items of clothing in a January sale on Oxford sale Credit: Getty Images 1950s: 21
1950s: Bargain hunters swarm in as the doors are opened at the beginning of the Modes Sale at C & A department store at Marble Arch, Oxford Street, London Credit: Getty Images 21
1956: People celebrate the opening of the January sales with some televisions Credit: Getty Images 21
1950s: Doors open at the beginning of the Modes Sale at C & A department store at Marble Arch, Oxford Street, London Credit: Getty Images 1960s: 21
1960s: People make a grab for the crockery at Selfridges Department Store sale, London Credit: Rex Features 21
Selfridges' shoppers try to elbow their way to the bargains Credit: Rex Features 21
1967: Customers queuing for cut-price cigarettes at a supermarket in Birmingham Credit: Getty Images 1970s: 21
1977: Crowds of shoppers race into Debenhams Department Store for start of their sale Credit: Rex Features 21
1977: Shoppers struggling in the china department of Harrods on the first day of the sale Credit: Getty Images 21
Mr Graham Freeman and his family with their sofa which was reduced in the Debenhams Of Oxford Street Sale Credit: Rex Features 1980s: 21
Keen shoppers attempt to get the best post-Christmas deals on Oxford Street, 1980 Credit: Rex Features 21
Selfridges' china department is jam-packed during the January sales of 1980 Credit: Rex Features 21
Crowds of people queue outside HMV trying to find a bargain in the 1980s Credit: Rex Features