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'lucky to be happy and healthy this Christmas'

New mums reveal healthy babies are the best gifts they could have wished for after cancer diagnosis while pregnant

We speak to brave mothers who overcame disease and underwent chemotherapy while expecting little ones

THERE is never a good time to hear you have cancer, but for mums-to-be the shocking news brings double the worry.

One in 2,000 pregnancies are affected by the killer disease, while breast cancer alone affects one in 3,000 expectant mothers.

George, Milla and Thomas were all born to mothers with cancer who were undergoing chemotherapyCredit: Stewart Williams

But it is possible to overcome the disease and give birth to happy, healthy babies.

Karen Verrill, head of Maggie’s cancer centre in Newcastle, says: “Pregnant cancer patients need to be well informed about the risks and side effects of treatment and how this may influence the pregnancy.

“But chemotherapy can be safely administered during the second and third trimesters without risk to the baby.”

Luckily all three were born healthy
Luckily all three of the adorable tots were born healthyCredit: Stewart Williams

Here, CHRISTINA EARLE meets three mums who all had little ones in their wombs when they learned they had the Big C . . .

We're so lucky, happy and healthy this Christmas

NANNY Sharon Grant, 41, lives in Shepherd’s Bush, West London, with husband Sam, 37, an IT technician. She was 14 weeks’ pregnant when diagnosed with breast cancer in February.

Sharon Grant age 41 with Thomas
Sharon Grant, 41, was 14-weeks pregnant with Thomas when she discovered she had cancerCredit: Stewart Williams

After nine rounds of chemotherapy, she gave birth to son Thomas on July 27. She says:

"I found a lump by chance when I scratched my right breast in bed. It was about the size of a marble and my husband Sam could feel it too.

"My GP referred me to the breast clinic at Charing Cross Hospital.

"I couldn’t have a mammogram – radiation from the scan is thought to harm unborn babies – so I had an ultrasound scan and a biopsy.

When Sharon was 22 weeks pregnant she began her first doses of chemotherapyCredit: Stewart Williams

"The results revealed I had stage 3 triple negative breast cancer. It came as a shock.

"Doctors told me I would need chemo and it could cause complications for my pregnancy. I was scared, knowing how small the baby must have been.

"I started chemo when I was 22 weeks pregnant and had the first doses three weeks apart.

"I hated the thought of toxins being pumped so close to my baby. It also made me feel so exhausted.

"After my final planned dose of chemo during my pregnancy, my waters broke and I went into labour, four weeks premature. The baby was breech and I needed an emergency C-section.

Sharon with Thomas
Sharon said she hated the toxins from chemo being so close Thomas, but luckily he was born healthy although four weeks earlyCredit: Stewart Williams

"Everything happened so quickly I didn’t have time to think about the risk of infection to the baby, which

"I was told is heightened if you give birth straight after chemo.

"Fortunately, Thomas was born that evening, weighing nearly 5lb 10oz, and he was absolutely fine. Two weeks later I started chemo again.

"I couldn’t breastfeed and I needed to take tablets to stop my milk production.

"After he was born, I also had 20 sessions of radiotherapy, which finished mid-October.

"Since then I’ve gained strength and am loving having Thomas at home with us. We are so lucky to be happy and healthy this Christmas. I can’t be thankful enough to7 those doctors and nurses."

Sharon is supporting Cancer Research UK’s Right Now campaign to beat cancer sooner. Visit cruk.org.


I worried toxins from chemotherapy would harm my baby

MANDY HILDITCH, 30, got pregnant with baby Milla just two weeks after having chemotherapy.

The teaching assistant, from Ely, Cambs, who is married to engineer Wes, 35, worried the toxins from her treatment being in her body would affect her daughter’s health.
But after Mandy had her cancerous tumours removed, Milla, who is now 17 months, was born healthy.

Mandy Hilditch age 30 with Milla
17-month-old Milla, who Mandy Hilditch discovered she was pregnant with two weeks after her cancer diagnosisCredit: Stewart Williams

Mandy says: "Wes and I had been trying for a baby for a long while when we were referred to Addenbrooke’s Hospital for fertility treatment.

"Tests showed I had fluid in my pelvis and what they thought was a benign cyst near my ovary.

"But further testing revealed I had a rare form of cancer in my abdomen which normally starts in the appendix and spreads across the tummy area.

Mandy and husband Wes were trying to get pregnant when they were transferred for fertility treatment, where Mandy's cancer was discovered in a scanCredit: Stewart Williams

"The tumours were pressing against my ovaries which is why I couldn’t get pregnant.

"Fortunately, the cancer was caught early which meant I wouldn’t need a hysterectomy.

"Instead, I had keyhole surgery to remove the ruptured appendix and two tumours, plus chemotherapy treatments.

"Just two weeks later I was pregnant. Doctors warned me the toxins from the chemo would remain in my system for a while after the treatment finished – and I worried they could harm my baby.

Mandy's cancer hasn't returned, giving her and Milla a reason to celebrate this ChristmasCredit: Stewart Williams

"Fortunately, the pregnancy was relatively straightforward and Milla was developing at the normal rate.

"I had additional tests to make sure the tumours weren’t coming back and she was OK. My oncologist told me that, if they did appear, the pregnancy would have to be terminated and I may have to have a hysterectomy.

"This worried me but, thankfully, did not become a reality.

"She was born three days late, weighing 8lb. Doctors confirmed the cancer hasn’t come back, which is a reason to celebrate this Christmas.

"We’re both in good health and that’s one thing to raise a glass to this festive season."


Doctors did scans to check on George 44 times before he was born

CLAIRE STEVENS was diagnosed with breast cancer when nine weeks pregnant. She had a mastectomy at 22 weeks and chemotherapy throughout her pregnancy.

Fortunately, Claire, 39, who is also mum to Reggie, three, and lives in West Bromwich with husband Stephen, 36, is now in remission – and baby George, 15 months, is developing well.

Claire Pickeriff age 39 with George 1yr
Claire Pickeriff age 39 with 15-month-old GeorgeCredit: Stewart Williams

She says: "I found a 5cm lump under my armpit when I was in the shower. Tests showed I had breast cancer which had spread to my lymph glands.

"Although I was reassured it was possible to have surgery and chemotherapy and continue with my pregnancy, I knew there were no guarantees about the long-term effects on my child.

"Some people questioned whether it was wise to continue with the pregnancy but I was determined to see the pregnancy through.

George 1yr
Doctors did 44 scans to check on George whilst Claire was pregnant with himCredit: Stewart Williams

"Two weeks after having surgery to remove my breasts and lymph nodes, I started a course of three rounds of chemotherapy. I couldn’t delay the treatment because the cancer was so aggressive.

"Chemotherapy made me feel exhausted and I was worried about how the chemo would affect George’s development but doctors did scans to check on him 44 times before he was born.

"He kicked regularly, even throughout chemo.

"When I reached 34 weeks I was told George needed to be born by C-section for the good of his health.

Claire Pickeriff age 39 with George 1yr
Claire was diagnosed with cancer when she was nine weeks pregnant with George, after she found a lump while in the showerCredit: Stewart Williams

"He was a tiny 4lb 7oz but otherwise perfect. His birth was emotional. I held him for a minute and he gave a tiny cry, before he was taken to the high-dependency unit for seven days with breathing difficulties.

"Two weeks after giving birth I was back on chemotherapy. All my hair had fallen out, and I had anaemia.

 George 1yr
One year on, and George and Claire are happy and healthy, and ready to celebrate ChristmasCredit: Stewart Williams

"I did the night feeds while my mum Lynne and Stephen were hands-on during the day while I had my chemo. I lost my hair and was very tired.

"Fortunately, my health now looks good and George is a healthy baby.

"Christmas didn’t exist for us last year, as I felt so ill. This year will be very different. I’m so grateful George is with us and healthy.
"It is the best gift I could have."



Specialist nurse and head of Maggie's Cancer Care Centre, Newcastle

It is uncommon for women to need chemotherapy when pregnant.

But if it does happen, it can be safely administered in the second and third trimesters.

It is unusual to treat a pregnant lady with chemotherapy in the first trimester, as it can increase risk of miscarriage or damage to the foetus.

But every patient will be on the best treatment plan for them, discussed with their oncologist, surgeon and obstetrician.

The type of chemo, dose and when the course starts also depends on the woman’s type of cancer and what stage of pregnancy she is in.

Some are safer than others but the correct dose would be decided by an oncologist.

Anyone having chemotherapy can experience treatment-related fatigue and sickness but these can be amplified when a woman is pregnant.

It is better if patients avoid going into labour for the first few weeks, as this can increase risk of infection.

It is best to wait three to four weeks before delivery, or have a C-section.

Some women who have chemotherapy during pregnancy can go to full term and have a natural delivery.

Babies are often born with full heads of hair, even if the mother loses hers.

It is important a pregnant cancer patient gets emotional support.

The shock of diagnosis can have a huge impact.

Couple it with pregnancy and emotions can run high.

Juggling a pregnancy with other children, a job and a house is a lot anyway.

A cancer diagnosis can 7 make it more anxious.

All cancer patients can get support at Maggie’s. See

To run, bake, donate, volunteer or speak up for people affected by cancer, call 0300 1000 200 or visit 
