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Should you give your seat up for kids? Mumsnet users debate the public transport dilemma that divides all of us

Some parents have been caught demanding seats for 10-year-old kids... and others say they would always give up their seat to a child under 6

WE'RE all familiar with the public transport signs asking us to give up our seats to those who are elderly, disabled or pregnant.

But have you ever felt pressured into giving up your seat for a school aged child while travelling on the bus or train?

Would you give up your bus seat for a child?Credit: Getty Images

This is the debate currently sweeping Mumsnet, after one dad complained loudly that no one had given their seat to his kids - who looked about eight and 10 years old.

Supposedly, the bloke exclaimed: 'Look at all these people sitting who won't let a child have a seat' causing his fellow passengers to 'look at each other and laugh' - according to Mumsnet user Pipistrelle 40.

Pipistrelle added: "(They're) old enough to stand surely."

A similar row recently exploded after passengers on a Southern Rail train refused to move their bags so this mum, who was carrying a baby, could sit in a priority seat - because she had not bought a higher fare ticket.


A commuter came to the mum's defence and said: "At the end of the day she's got a baby so she can sit where she wants", but not everyone agreed this was the case.

However, most of the Mumsnet users agreed that the 'rude' man on the bus was being ridiculous.

Among them was Rainy Day Spending, who said: "Look at that dad teaching his children to feel entitled."

Mrs K Castle added: "Yes, old enough to stand. Unless there were hidden disabilities involved, in which case he should have asked politely if anyone was able to give up their seat, rather than being rude."


However, Pipistrelle received less sympathy for her views on younger children - who some feel should be given seats.

She said: "It was almost as good as the toddler last year who got on the bus and screamed until he was given a seat. He got one from someone else just to shut him up."

In response to this, Purple Daisies said: "Toddlers are totally different to 8 and 10 year olds.

"They often are unsteady on their feet.


"Reasoning with a two year old isn't easy at the best of times but on a bus that's crowded enough that there aren't any seats? I think you're being harsh here."

Out Damned Wind agreed, writing: "I've given up my seat for wobbly toddlers in the past, as I'm much more able to stand in a moving vehicle than they are!

"But 8 and 10? Not unless asked, and then I would assume there's some level of need, visible or otherwise."

And Dear Mr Dikington added: "I'd give up my seat to a child under 6 but any older and they are fine to stand."

Many commuters didn't see why they should have to abandon their seat in rush hour for a child of school ageCredit: Alamy

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In sympathy with Pipistrelle, Bolivar Atasco said: "This exact same thing happened on a tube I was on a couple of years ago.

"I will give up my seat on a crowded tube for toddlers with nothing to hold onto. I will not give up my seat for parents trying to guilt commuters into moving or kids who are perfectly able to stand."

While Name Just For Nappies put forward her case for letting kids sit, after experiencing a difficult journey.


She said: "I got really cross last month. Got on with baby in sling, toddler in buggy, and also a 5-year-old.

"There was another buggy on already so I folded mine, put it in the luggage bit, and went to look for a seat.

"There were none but several people were using a seat for shopping. I asked a couple if my toddler could sit. Got ignored.

"Then I noticed the other buggy was unoccupied and that child was occupying a seat! Asked if my toddler could share. Got told to f*** off.


"Luckily my journey was only 10 minutes but it was not fun trying to hold 5-year-old and then 2-year-old up while not bashing baby in sling into people or seats. The driving was a bit lurching as well."
