How many days until Christmas 2016? Countdown to the big day

IT'S hard to believe how quickly it's come around - but the big day is finally here, time has run out to get all that last-minute Christmas shopping done.
It's time to open all the presents and tuck into all those festive treats and top TV shows.
We've seen iconic Christmas adverts, but is it a picture-perfect White Christmas where you are?
It might have been on the cards for some parts of the UK, but we haven't woken up to widespread snow on Christmas morning since 2010.
However, if you live in the Cairngorms in Scotland (or indeed the Sahara, incredibly) you might be in with a chance - as experts predict this is the region most likely to see flakes fall at Christmas.
There are still bargains to be had in the shops and online if you haven't finished buying your presents yet, and you still have time to post them.
Major supermarket opening times over Christmas and New Year
Who is competing in the Strictly Come Dancing Christmas special?
If you have a disaster in the kitchen, fear not - we have all the rescue tips you need;
How to tell if your turkey is off - essential Christmas cooking advice
How to rescue gravy that is too salty, lumpy or runny
How to light your Christmas pudding - essential Christmas cooking advice
What to do when roast potatoes aren't crispy - essential Christmas cooking advice
What to do when a sauce is too sweet - essential Christmas cooking advice
What to do if your turkey doesn’t fit in the oven - essential Christmas cooking advice
In fact, one mum has divided opinion after insisting she'll be taking the pressure off this year, as she'll only be buying four presents for her kids - “One they want. One they need. One to wear. One to read.”
A bit different to mum-of-three Emma Tapping, who has an even bigger pile under her tree this year than she did last year!
It's time to get your answers prepared for all those awkward questions about Santa and show the childrens how to track his progress on Christmas Eve.
However you decide to approach Christmas this year, you'd best get cracking soon - with only TWO DAYS to go, it'll be here before we know it.
Want to plan your Christmas viewing? Get your guide to What's On TV from The Sun Online