Coq au vin anyone?

A ‘cooking with semen’ class is coming to the UK…and YOU can sign up to take part

BIZARRE new cooking classes are being opened to the British public… where attendees are encouraged to make food using SEMEN.

The strange workshops aim to teach students how beneficial the unconventional ingredient can be to the body.

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Diners will be taught about the benefits of using this bonkers ingredient

At the location in Shoreditch, London, amateur chefs will be taught how to sex up their meals with a variety of different appetisers, mains, desserts and drinks.

Courses include boozy rounds of Schlong Island Iced Tea, followed by Victoria Spooge Cake for dessert.

Attendees will also learn all about the benefits of dining on the sexual fluid, which is packed full of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium and vitamin B12.

Attendees have to bring their own offerings with them… and the fresher the better

To attend the Cooking with Semen class, applicants have to register at , where the address of the secret location will be revealed.

In order for each class to run, at least 30 people must register an interest in that particular week.

To come prepared, they are required to bring at least five teaspoons of their own, or a partner’s, fresh ejaculate.

Sex and relationship expert Alix Fox advised that the fresher the semen is, the better it is to cook with.

He said: “Fresher is better, although you could feasibly keep semen in a sealed container in the fridge for a short time prior to the class.”

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Attendees have to book up their spots in advance

The Cooking with Semen organisers are expecting that their masterclasses may face some backlash online.

Despite this, sexpert Alix Fox explained:  “While the idea of bringing cum into the kitchen will doubtless appal many people, some individuals find the idea of consuming such an intimate substance an incredible turn-on.”

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She also revealed that eating the strange cooking ingredient may not be as disgusting as it first springs to mind.

Alix added: “I guess when you consider that humans regularly consume eggs – which are essentially the product of a chicken menstruating – eating a partner’s semen doesn’t seem quite so round the twist.”

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The organisers are aware that not everyone will take to the unusual idea

The founder of Wonderush, Nelson Sivalingam, also defends the cooking classes.

He said: “I know some people will find this hard to swallow, but the idea of cooking with semen isn’t as farfetched as one might think.

“Wonderush is all about giving people unique classes and experiences, and although our usual classes are somewhat tamer, this should give people a taste of our sense of humour!”

Wonderush is currently crowdfunding on Seedrs with the hope that they can roll-out the experience to more cities around the UK following the London launch.

Thought this idea was barmy? Earlier this year, the UK’s first nude restaurant opened its doors to members of the public. 


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