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Would you know if you had an STI? Here are six signs that you’ve been infected

Considering that nearly half of all people will get an STI in their lifetime and roughly one million people catch a type of sexual infection every day, it’s wise being clued up on some of the lesser known symptoms

WOULD you know if you had an STI?

While you may think it would be easy to tell if you have contracted something dodgy downstairs, some of the signs of an STI are slightly harder to spot.

Would you know if you had an STI?
Would you know if you had an STI?Credit: Getty Images

Considering that nearly half of all people will get an STI in their lifetime and roughly one million people catch a type of sexual infection every day, it’s wise being clued up on some of the lesser known symptoms.

While many of the most common STIs, like chlamydia, have no symptoms, making it important to get tested regularly, other sex related infections have tell-tale signs.

Here’s what to look out for:

Lumps and bumps

Any lumps, bumps or sores surrounding your nether-regions may be bad news.

While often any lumpy areas may be completely harmless, caused by heat or by an ingrown hair, it is important to know when to check any problem areas out.

If you notice that your swelling looks wart-like or feels rough to the touch, you may have contracted a strain of genital warts.

On the flip-side, if the lump is soft and looks similar to a spot or a pimple, it is probably just an ingrown hair.

If any sores or blisters erupt around your genitals or in/around your mouth, it may sound obvious but you should get to the doctors as soon as you are able - as this indicates you could have contracted herpes.

Any lumps or bumps should be noted
Any lumps or bumps should be notedCredit: Getty Images


Listen to your body – if you ever feel a consistent pain in your tummy it is important not to ignore it.

Abdominal pain (or even testicles pain for men) that is continuous can indicate gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis.

Pain felt during sex should also not be ignored - go to your doctor to get diagnosed as soon as you can.

Changes in urination

Burning or feeling pain when you wee can be a symptom of several STDs, including herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea and trichomoniasis - as well as urinary tract infections, bladder infections, or kidney stones.

Because of this, it’s important to get checked-out if you ever have pain, or any other strange sensations, when you go for a wee.

And if you ever notice blood in your urine – get yourself to the doctors ASAP.

Even if you don’t have any symptoms you may wish to seek advice if:

• You have had unprotected sex with a new partner recently
• You or a sexual partner have sex with other people without using a condom
• A sexual partner has any symptoms
• You are planning a pregnancy and may have been at risk of infection

Credit: www.fpa.org.uk


While discharge is perfectly natural for women, it has the potential to be serious.

It all comes down to colour.

If your discharge looks a green or yellow hue this it may be down to gonorrhoea.

Any thick, white, or smelly discharge is also to be looked out for – and if it keeps happening should warrant a trip to the doctors.

Men experiencing discharge from their penis should also take heed.

While dodgy discharge doesn’t necessarily mean you have an STD, it’s well worth getting any changes taken a look at.


While some itchy red patches can be harmless and may be down to eczema or a heat rash, any rashes or itching around your groin area is worth getting checked.

Don't ignore any annoying itching or rashes
Don't ignore any annoying itching or rashesCredit: Getty Images

Bleeding irregularly

This is a symptom more common in women than men is one of the big ones not to be swept under the rug.

If you’re bleeding irregularly or often it could mean an infection or possibly even cancer.

While, in women, irregular bleeding can happen naturally every now and then, it is important that you visit the GP should it become a regular occurrence.

Also, if you’re persistently bleeding after sex you should get yourself checked.
