Jeremy Kyle guest suspected partner of cheating after finding an empty condom wrapper and hearing her moaning about jaw pain
Worried Joe thought his girlfriend of 13 years had sex with a house guest while he was out

A JEREMY Kyle guest accused his partner of 13 years of cheating after she complained of a “sore jaw”.
Nervous Joe said he first began to suspect Siobhan after he found an empty condom wrapper in his garden.
But his suspicions grew when she mentioned her face ache and understandably his insecurities got worse when he saw a message reading: “I can’t believe how fast you can make me come.”
Joe – who was nervous to be on the show – told Jezza the couple had been together 13 years and had a good relationship.
But he said it went downhill after they invited some friends round.
He added: “We didn’t know they that well. We were just getting to be friends with them.”
After he popped out, however he said: “I came back and there was a condom wrapper on my veranda.
“Then she said: ‘I’ve got a sore jaw.’ She said it three times.”
Laughing, Jeremy said: “A sore jaw?”
When Siobhan came in, she swore she had never cheated on Joe and Jezza clearly believed her.
After she passed all three questions on the lie detector, meaning she hadn’t cheated, a relieved Joe gave her a huge hug.
But Jezza couldn’t resist a smutty joke to wrap things up.
He quipped: “Go away and have a good night. We won’t see you tomorrow because I’m sure you’ll have a sore jaw.”